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 Hakku. Now.

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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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Hakku. Now. Empty
PostSubject: Hakku. Now.   Hakku. Now. Icon_minitime1February 18th 2010, 6:15 am

(Character development tiiiiime~!)

Khrona waited in a desolate place, seeming void of everything but empty and open land, the wind eerie and ominous. Khrona's eyes stared directly in front of him, seeming completely blank but also extremely focused at the same time. One arm was clenched to the other one. "Hakku..."

Misery and Despair, in their weapon forms, hovered beside Khrona, Misery inquiring "... Khrona, what the hell are we doing...?"

Khrona: We're... Going to fight Hakku...

Misery: Doesn't that bitch make you all crazy and shit? Hell, look at your face right now. You're damn near insane just thinking of her! Not that I'm complaining, mind you.

Khrona: ... Without confrontation... There is no advancement...

Despair: Ah, yes... Words terribly well spoken, Khrona... If you do not face your fears, there will be no way to overcome them... It is tragically nice to see you doing such a horrid thing...

Misery: ... So, what you're telling me is... All this pent up insanity and aggression you have, you are just gonna... Unleash on this newbie Kage? And we're gonna go ALL OUT? Heh... Heh heh heh... That sounds like good shit to me!

Khrona would grab Misery and Despair in his hands simultaneously, bringing them down to his side, outstretching his wings slowly, making a powerful and large gust of wind shoot out and spread for miles, the sound echoing throughout the air "... Where aaaaare youuuuuuuu.... Haaaakkuuuuu....?"
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Hakku. Now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hakku. Now.   Hakku. Now. Icon_minitime1February 18th 2010, 11:24 am

-Hakku strolled across the area, noticing Khrona had been expecting her. She was left pondering why he would seeing how much he despised her, but felt it must be something important.-
"Khrona, So you were calling for me? How may I assist.."
-She grew skeptical of his wings, as well as the sound resonating through the air. She scanned the field before putting on Hack; her pair of anti-akuma gloves.-
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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Hakku. Now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hakku. Now.   Hakku. Now. Icon_minitime1February 18th 2010, 5:34 pm

Khrona pointed Misery at Hakku, Misery's face appearing in the shine of the sword blade "Hakku. Khrona's facing his fears now. You either fight now... Or shit goes wrong. That is all you need to know."

Khrona's eyes would drift in two different directions, his eyelids becoming heavy. His head would begin to droop over to the side a bit as a wicked frown slithered down his cheeks. Bringing Misery down to his side once more, his eyes fixated on Hakku, his Hyper Perception now in play. His soul and wavelength, which he did not know if they were or were not apparent to Hakku, would begin to expand around him from their original 30 foot radius, showing his power increasing slowly. There was a powerful wind that would be forced from him because of the power of his soul expanding. Unless Hakku could see, it would only look like an ominous and strong wind. Khrona's wings expanded as far as they could (on their normal wingspan scale without DNA alteration) which was about 80 feet. Finally, his frown turned into an insane smile and his eyes, though one was hidden under his hair, gleamed brightly. "Haaaaaakkkuuuuuuuu..." He said in an ominous voice, which would somehow travel throughout the land, as if only moving by Khrona's reality and his will...
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Hakku. Now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hakku. Now.   Hakku. Now. Icon_minitime1February 19th 2010, 2:18 am

-Seeing the soul wavelength of Khrona's expand, Hakku analyzed it. She wasn't fazed by the ominous feelings, clenching her fists as her gloves illuminated innocence.-
"How vague, but I will do what I must."
-Hakku would quickly dash back consecutively, until she was about a hundred feet from Khrona. While she dashes, her binary vision scanned and made note of all energies, objects and effects about the field. In the space where Hakku previously was, diamond pillars jutted from the ground and trails quickly towards Khrona.-
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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Hakku. Now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hakku. Now.   Hakku. Now. Icon_minitime1February 19th 2010, 4:51 am

Khrona snickered "Diamond... How reminiscent of... Maze..." In fact, in Maze and Khrona's first battle, Maze attempted to crush Khrona with diamond... It failed. As the diamonds began to jut upward, Khrona used his psychic prowess to figure out when, where and what time one of the pillars was going to hit him. Once he did, he stiffened his black blood to a harness that was... Well... Harder than diamond, basically, letting the pillar hit, but seem ineffective to him. Once it touched Khrona, it would then disperse into millions of tiny pieces, as Khrona has split most of the molecules up so that the diamond would become tiny, and then he had altered the diamond into air, so the diamond existed no more. As for the other pillars... Khrona made a moderately powerful flap with his wings, releasing a gigantic blast of wind with such a powerful force that it unintentionally launched him into the sky, but also flattened the land, making an indent in the ground wherever the wind hit, and hopefully shattering those pillars as well. "Eeeeee... Maybe... Hakku and Maze are not... That different?" Khrona's eye twitched "If so..." Khrona's soul continued to expand in the air, now reaching 60 feet in radius...
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Hakku. Now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hakku. Now.   Hakku. Now. Icon_minitime1February 19th 2010, 3:43 pm

-Hakku held her hand up, and as the mighty gust of wind came down upon the field she would stop it with that same elevated hand. Hack, Hakku's glove, would absorb all the kinetic energy in this powerful wind, dispelling it completely.-
"I have also met Maze. He is different than most humans, a very unique individual."
-Her lips would begin to move rapidly, seeming to be saying the reverse of what she previously said. Although, no sound came out, she was chanting an incantation.-
"Data Adaptation."
- Binary energy began to swirl around Hakku, forming something like a veil. Hakku would tap it several times as if she was dragging and dropping files with her fingertips. Suddenly, the energy began to expand outward rather quickly, covering so far a 40 ft radius around Hakku.-
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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Hakku. Now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hakku. Now.   Hakku. Now. Icon_minitime1February 19th 2010, 6:35 pm

Khrona laughed a bit "Let's see how similar you are... To my close friend... The ex-Kage..." Khrona would fling Misery outward at a slight incline, having her fly into the air slightly, transforming back into her human form as she did. She reached quite a long range, ending up behind Hakku. Khrona would then do the same thing with Despair, flinging her in the same way... Though because she was not heavy because she was a razor, she did not gain much distance. Upon transforming, she would warp herself a great distance behind Hakku, opposite of Misery. Thus, they all formed a triangle around Hakku. "Let us see if you can fill... His shoes..." Khrona's eye gleamed "Chain Resonance." In an instant, their souls were linked, thus tripling the size of each of their souls as well as combining them. Seeing as each of them had 60 foot souls, their souls would increase in size times 3, which would make each of them have a 180 foot radius soul, and then with all 3 of them combined would make a 540 foot radius of their 3 souls and still expanding, thanks to Khrona. Since Hakku was in the dead center of their triangular Chain Resonance, hopefully she would be caught in the vast radius of their combined souls. As such, each of them could launch specific, deadly attacks that could be instantaneously used once someone was within the radius of their souls. Khrona would use his "Soul Null." Which was a basically powered up version of Soul Purge that Khrona invented. It has so much power that it can even seal chakra, jutsu, magic, etc. and rupture them for a good amount of time, which he was definitely trying to do to Hakku... But from all over. Misery would use properties of her own Insanity soul to distort and control the reality of the area within the soul ever so slightly, trying to get rid of Hakku's defense and if Hakku was actually in the soul's radius, keep her in there. Despair would merely unleash her own Despair and Rejection wavelengths, the Despair wavelength deteriorating and weakening everything by great amounts by lowering their 'will to exist' and the Rejection wavelength trying to just reject and eliminate whatever was not wanted by the 3 of them. They did not actually attack yet, just control what was going on with their combined souls, but they were still on the defensive...
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Hakku. Now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hakku. Now.   Hakku. Now. Icon_minitime1February 20th 2010, 10:08 pm

-The moment Misery appeared behind her, Hakku took a mental note and placed her hand on the ground. The ground's viscosity would be turned to that of tar, and from there a massive tidal wave of this tar would come from all around Hakku, sucking under who ever was caught in it. Then with her speed, leaving a corruption clone in her previous location while she appeared some distance off behind Despair almost instantly. She was able to see the massive expansion of souls trying to connect on the field, one from each of them.-
"... ... ...... .."
-Her lips were moving but no words could be heard from them. Binary energy began to randomly appear within Hakku's Data adapting field, which was still expanding, as Hakku sent a trail of corruption energy at Despair.-
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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Hakku. Now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hakku. Now.   Hakku. Now. Icon_minitime1February 21st 2010, 12:27 am

Misery, being merged with Khrona's soul at the moment, could indeed 'harness' some of his DNA abilities, and as such, move in ways that would easily allow her to slither out of the tar. Unfortunately for her, she still could not fly... Well, whatever. She leapt high into the air and then, Khrona using the Soul Force to force her away (but not harm her, for his wavelength control was THAT precise and powerful), Misery was shot a loooong distance outwards, thus expanding the range of their souls by that much more. Despair would mirror the movement of Misery, warping in the exact opposite side with exact opposite distance away from Misery as she was from Khrona, still keeping the Triangle in tact and avoiding Hakku's attack. Now it was time for these 3 to go on the offensive... Misery would hold a hand up to the sky "Endless Misery." The clouds would become darkened and just then, a million Insanity Impact swords appeared in the sky. They were massive swords of energy that depleted all other energies that came in their way, rendering them useless, and also made great explosions once they hit a target, the explosion sharing their properties. As such, each and every one would start to fall from the sky, one regenerating back in the sky once one exploded, and so on and so on. Misery wanted to totally drain Hakku from the get-go. Despair, on the other hand, had something else in mind... She was going to attack from below rather than above "Gaea Lacrimosa..." She said lightly, her dress waving as she slightly floated in the air. With that being done, millions of explosives shot up from the ground just a little bit and detonated, the explosion differing with each explosive. Each explosion did, however, harbor a bit of Despair's Despair wavelength, thus meaning that what this wavelength touched would cause it to deteriorate and eat emotions, but also would make everything with a will lose said will and become idle and slothful, and also make it veeery easy for the Despair wavelength to spread because of the explosions. Finally, it was Khrona's turn... "Alexander!!" He would call out, using his Summoner's power to bring Alexander into this realm. As such, the mighty mechanical god would appear, the giant easily towering over the entire Dusk village, and it extended its angelic wings, which could cover the entire village, if Alexander wished.

Hakku. Now. 290px-Alexander_artwork

Hakku. Now. Alexander_IX

Now, if Hakku was a machine or technological being, then Alexander, the mechanical god, should be able to control and subdue her, if need be... Alexander would spread his wings as far as they could go, and from each and every gigantic feather would come a massive blast of the most powerful magic known, Ultima. Each of the Ultimas would rain from the sky and basically aim for Hakku, trying to obliterate her and anything near her. Even Misery and Despair might have to take some cover from this most destructive attack. Khrona laughed, floating onto Alexander's head, using his Soul Merge so that Khrona could exceed Alexander's limit of being out for 3 turns, so long as the Soul Merge was active.
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Hakku. Now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hakku. Now.   Hakku. Now. Icon_minitime1March 1st 2010, 9:24 pm

(Sorry for the massive wait.)
-Analyzing the blades known as Insanity Impact that were raining from the sky, Hakku would recreate its binary structure, and fire up a barrage swords with the same ability known as depletion. Hakku couldn't copy what was on Misery's soul, but she was familiar with all types of magic, allowing her to coop with the situation quite easily. As the insanity impacts cancelled each other out, Hakku would notice the build up of energy on the ground, figuring for this energy to release itself rapidly to create an explosion. With that in mind, she would dash and digitally warp out of the way of each explosion. Finally, this mechnical entity appeared before her. In her expansive memory, she noticed what this being was, but not exactly who.-
"A God."
-She said calmly as she held out her hand. Suddenly, a radiant burst of innocence occured in her hand, and when the light subsided, her axe, Marvelous, was gropped in Hakku's hands. It began to give off a radiant shine of innocence, a light that could not be devoured.
"I never saw a God before..."
-She gave one mighty swing of Marvelous, creating a shockwave embued with the power of innocence, instantly negating all of the ultimas and nullifying them. It may be the strongest magic, but because it was still that of the supernatural like magic is, Hakku's anti-akuma weapon would exorcise it all the same. This shockwave continued towards the sky, negating the insanity impacts and continuing towards Khrona, Despair and Misery. Even the God wouldn't leave unscathed against innocence. As Hakku's Data adaption field continued to spread across the field, the ground in which despair was causing explosion would cease to do so, and Despair's energy would be converted into binary energy. This binary energy would start to build up around the field.-
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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Hakku. Now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hakku. Now.   Hakku. Now. Icon_minitime1April 14th 2010, 7:05 am


Khrona laughed as Hakku came nearer and nearer to him "Hey... Despair... Let us show Hakku what the power of Rejection is, eh?" Khrona, Misery, Despair and Alexander would create a Pyramid of purebred Rejection; the wavelength which rejects anything and everything, and Hakku was within it. No matter what Hakku tried to launch, the Rejection would force it back in. So long as nothing can touch the Rejection, it cannot be erased. The Rejection pyramid suddenly started to become smaller, the pressure of its eternal forcing away of anything that came within a certain distance would become more and more powerful, making a terrible pressure on Hakku. Eventually, she would be crushed by this.

"Alexander... My power is your power. Extend your wings to the end of the world and let this woman know your and my power..." Alexander gave out a massive, godly moan, his wings extending further around the area, so large and so consumptive of the sky that there was no more blue. No more sun. No more clouds. No VISION of the sky whatsoever. Khrona laughed a bit insanely before saying "Reject." In an instant, the wings were lined with Rejection wavelength, the insane pressure it put on everything probably crushing everything within the protective encasement of the wings... And if somehow Hakku got out of the Pyramid, she would surely be crushed by this. "Condemn." The Rejection was suddenly merged with Condemnation wavelength, the pressure from that causing whatever was within the vicinity of the wavelength to slowly die, slowly destroy abilities and potency OF abilities, or anything of the sort. "Fall into Despair..." The wings were then merged with Despair wavelength, which whatever was within the wavelength would lose their will, weaken all abilities until they were depleted, and cause sloth to the foe. "And embrace your Insanity..." The wings were finally merged with Insanity wavelength, which was the last thing Khrona needed. The insanity did numerous things.. And Khrona planned on utilizing every insane thing that went on in his head. "And that's only the beginning, my dear... KAGE..." Khrona's head twitched a bit as he said that, then laughed at Alexander's might.

Alexander would also begin to charge Ultimas once again, however this time, the Ultimas would not be purely of magic.. No, they would be embedded with each and every one of these wavelengths as well, to cause a massive impact of nothing but a mixture of Khrona, Misery and Despair's soul wavelengths and extirpate everything that was within the wings.... Khrona's insanity drove this monster now, and because of that, there was only the will to make sure that Hakku did not survive. Oh, what Insanity does to one...

Misery, noticing that Khrona was busy harnessing each of their wavelengths, decided to use some of Khrona's mental abilities, as well... Just to be bitchy. "From his soul, I unlock his mind... And let his mentality run free." Khrona's mind expanded with a terrible crushing force around the entire area via Misery letting it loose... And that was all she would do for now.

Despair giggled unhappily, her dimensional dress expanding "If all else fails... We'll consume them all... Delightful, wouldn't you say?" Her dress slowly expanded... and expanded... and expanded...
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Hakku. Now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hakku. Now.   Hakku. Now. Icon_minitime1April 14th 2010, 3:39 pm

-With her binary vision, all of these wavelengths were quite visible. The pyramid, the Ultima, and the other wavelength abilities. Khrona obviously had no clue, nor did the other two. Hakku held out her axe and it would multiply into a few more Marvelous axes which would then all orbit Hakku. She was hovering a bit above the ground, and put her plan into motion the moment she saw the pyramid.-
"Data merge."
-The innocence from the axe merged with data adaption field, giving it innocence. One axe stabbed into the ground and release a screech of innocence and binary energy, The rejection had no effect what-so-ever on this new field, and the screech would pass through it with ease. Innocence was used to exorcise, so Khrona lacing and merging his and his weapons' wavelengths with everything completely backfired, making every attack he just used susceptible to innocence. Not to mention that since the innocence could do such things as a given, it obviously wouldn't be weakened, depleted, condemned, etc by these other energies. This screech shattered and dispersed the pyramid, erased the Ultima charging with the God, Nullified and cancelled the condemption wavelength and would break away at Khrona, Misery and Despair if they so happened to here this screech, or simply be in the immediate area, and they were. Khrona more than likely had no clue what was happening.-
"Hmm........ .. ..."
-She made an incantation in her mind, and waited for the right chance to expell it. Just like Despair's dress, Hakku's field continued to expand, and expand....and expand. Everything within it would succumb to Hakku's alteration trait, allowing her to morph anything in her area to her liking. Khrona would also probably notice the God was weakening, and slowing deconstructing. Its Ultima was apart of its energypool, which was also mixed with a wavelength.-
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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Hakku. Now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hakku. Now.   Hakku. Now. Icon_minitime1April 14th 2010, 5:33 pm

Khrona smiled, as the sound would be deafened by the mind wave Misery let out. Even if the wavelengths backfired, nothing was said about the mind blast. Khrona, having a mastery of most, if not all, mental abilities, could easily rid the air of sound if he really wished. Speaking of wishing... The other thing that the wavelengths were sent to do. Their abilities were null, but their presence remained. Khrona's wavelength had still been expanding, never ceasing. Hakku's ability only nullified the present ability of the wavelengths, and not their literal presence. Therefore, this battle was still in Khrona's favor. "Everything. Will be forgotten." And with that, Innocence, Corruption, and anything ELSE Hakku has already used during the battle SHOULD be gone. Why? Because anything within Khrona's soul wavelength and/or mental radius can be altered to his will at any given moment. It was his own reality. Everything within his soul and his mind succumbed to his own reality... His mental pressures were indeed powerful enough to distort and alter the very reality that they encased. Since Hakku did nothing to remove herself from this, it would be instantaneous. Naturally, Khrona could only get rid of what he already knew was there. Hence, why only things that have been used by Hakku can be gotten rid of at the moment. Naturally, if she has anything else, she can feel free to use it... But his soul and mind were always his domain and his domain alone. Not to mention, he's got 3 strong ass motherfuckers backing him up, still. So uh... Yeah. They all served a purpose and played a part in this. Still, Khrona had to be on guard. Usually, when he comes unprepared, that is what throws him off... His eyes began to spin around in his head quite quickly... rapidly...
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Hakku. Now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hakku. Now.   Hakku. Now. Icon_minitime1April 14th 2010, 7:27 pm

--Hakku still had her abilities, n they worked as well as they always did. Why? She had her data adaption field activated long before she was in Khrona's wavelength, and she already had her anti-akuma weapons, Hack, equiped. The axe was simply a bonus. Khrona may have had the field, but it was irrelevant to Hakku. As long as she was within her field, Khrona's moves did little to nothing against her.-
"My, aren't you a very controlling person. What do you wish to forget, Khrona?"
-She asked quizzically. Her field gave a radiant glow of innocence outward, nullifying portions of Khrona's wavelength while it continued to expand. If too much of this innocence got into Khrona's soul wavelength, it could exorcise it. Sure, this innocence was entering Khrona's reality, but it didn't change the fact that binary energy cannot be converted, and innocence is uneffected by other abilities. It could exorcise the supernatural, so it was obvious that the substance itself would never succumb to other energies, or abilities (like Khrona's mind thing.) By the way, she was quite serious with her question.-
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Hakku. Now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hakku. Now.   Hakku. Now. Icon_minitime1April 14th 2010, 8:44 pm

Khrona's... soul.. Where did it go...? It was not as it should be... something was amiss... "... Khrona... Me? Forget? What do I want to forget...? Everything... That has happened... I want it all to be forgotten... Now... Make sure... No... Do not... Alll I have... But you... Can I..? Most definitely... Not you... Hate... But love..." Khrona's abilities... they were faltering... he was faltering... his being was falling to dust... he degenerated his powers... degenerated his bond... degenerated it all... All he had done that was wrong... "Alexander... be gone.... Misery... Despair... Fall back... I don't want it to happen now... What has been... What shall be... What I have done..."

Misery and Despair... they would fall back... they would move toward their partner... slowly... drearily... They all grouped together. The sky ground was black with blood... and where was it coming from...? Their eyes... They sat down... and they all cried, simultaneously.. Khrona... Misery... and Despair...
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Hakku. Now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hakku. Now.   Hakku. Now. Icon_minitime1April 14th 2010, 11:54 pm

-Her own field would begin to shrink as Khrona's abilities began to falter. She appeared in front of the trio and embraced them, bringing them all in close. She knew someone like Misery may stab at her for being so cloe, but she was ready to take the consequence.-
"You've done nothing wrong, Khrona. "
-She said as her hand rubbed the back of his head.-
"In the midst of forgetting, what do you wish to remember?"
-She muttered into his ear. Khrona seemed to be lost and unstable.-
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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Hakku. Now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hakku. Now.   Hakku. Now. Icon_minitime1April 15th 2010, 6:23 am

Each of them... began to reject the situation... somehow... Khrona, black blood shot from all over his body.... trying to impale Hakky... Misery, blades shot out of all of her body, trying to impale her... Despair... Rejection, all over her body...

"Get out... Khrona wants not... Make... Away... You... Me... All... My soul consumes what is... What I... Get... Destroy... Remember all that is forgotten... But forget all that I know..."
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Hakku. Now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hakku. Now.   Hakku. Now. Icon_minitime1April 15th 2010, 2:38 pm

The black blood pierced her, and Misery's blades stabbed into her body, but Hakku did not let go. The innocence in her body kept the black blood and blades from having any negative effects on her body. she hugged them tighter, saying once more.-
"Your soul will only do what you want it to. Seize control of it, and stop it from controlling you."
-She said louder. She spat up some plasma (which acted as blood for her body) as the blades dug deeper.-
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Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality
Shinseigami, the Cosmic Overgod :: God of Gods, Balance and Reality

Posts : 2261
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2009-04-20
Cool Points (LOL) : 22
Kekkei Genkai : Anatomia, Reality Release

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Character Race: Mutant Superhuman-Beastkin/Black Blood Hybrid
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Hakku. Now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hakku. Now.   Hakku. Now. Icon_minitime1April 15th 2010, 7:17 pm

(Well... Sorry for the jumbled posts... I wasn't in my right mind yesterday, and as such, that reflected in my post... I also did not mean to end the fight, but being mentally out of it influenced me quite greatly, even so much where coherence was not with me. Again, sorry. Now I have to roll with what I did..)

Khrona fell limp, his eyes rolling to the back of his head "... A healthy soul... resides in a healthy body... which harbors a healthy mind..." The blood retracted into Khrona's body as he slowly began to curve his spine upright "... My soul, mind and body are one thing, as of now... I do not have a healthy mind..." Khrona's eye twitched " ... Nor has my body ever been healthy..." Khrona's skin literally crawled around before settling once more "... And my soul... which is now part of the two... Can never be healthy..." This was why Khrona was so adept at controlling every aspect of himself... Every aspect of him self was literally merged together. If something is wrong with his mind, it shows in his soul and body, for they were all one thing... In fact, Khrona reverted into a soul, letting his body slip out of the grasp of Hakku before changing back into the body on this physical plane. Misery and Despair were taken with him "... Hakku... I don't think I am afraid of you anymore... However... My soul quakes in fear for this world..." Khrona turned, starting to walk off... Somehow, he still twitched.
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Hakku. Now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hakku. Now.   Hakku. Now. Icon_minitime1April 15th 2010, 8:18 pm

-As she watched Khrona walk away, plasma dripped from her body's puncture wounds. She wondered if she had gotten through to Khrona, and if he had accepted her.-
"This world is full of unknowns. It's only natural to be afraid of something."
-She spoke in her usual calm tone. She too would turn and begin to walk off. The holes on her began to regenerate as she made her exit as well.-
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Hakku. Now. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hakku. Now.   Hakku. Now. Icon_minitime1

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