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 The Rituke's Visit Hakku

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The Rituke's Visit Hakku Empty
PostSubject: The Rituke's Visit Hakku   The Rituke's Visit Hakku Icon_minitime1March 13th 2010, 9:25 pm

Maze and his two girls Aura and Mana would appear at the front step of Hakku's abode. "Now behave you two.....That means you Mana." Maze said as he knocked on the door waiting for an answer.
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The Rituke's Visit Hakku Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rituke's Visit Hakku   The Rituke's Visit Hakku Icon_minitime1March 14th 2010, 9:16 am

-The door opened slightly, revealing a portion of Hakku's face glancing out through the slit in the door. She noticed it was Maze, and widen that slit so that he could get through. Once the door was open, she noticed two younger people with Maze. They had binary codes similar to Maze's, so could they be of the same blood?-
"How do you do Maze, and company?"
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The Rituke's Visit Hakku Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rituke's Visit Hakku   The Rituke's Visit Hakku Icon_minitime1March 15th 2010, 10:54 am

"Good to see you again Hakku. This Aura and Mana. My two cute little girls.Say hi you two."
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The Rituke's Visit Hakku Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rituke's Visit Hakku   The Rituke's Visit Hakku Icon_minitime1March 15th 2010, 11:10 am

In the shadow of the Riarukage's house, Mana frowned as she crystal she held no longer reflected light. She had a slightly pout-y look on her face as she tucked the crystal into the folds of her dress. She immediately perked up as she heard Daddy's voice.

"Of cooooourse we'll be on our best behaviour~!!"

And, with that, she glanced at her sister and giggled. Hearing the door open a fraction and a female voice asking how she was, Mana smiled, but let Daddy talk first. This lady (Apparently, it was Hakku) had a very odd energy signature. It was all a swirl of tiny ones and zeros, and it was very interesting to look at, though Mana didn't stare like she wanted to.

"HIYA~!! I'm Mana~ Nice ta meet cha~!"

She grinned broadly, waving at Hakku.
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The Rituke's Visit Hakku Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rituke's Visit Hakku   The Rituke's Visit Hakku Icon_minitime1March 15th 2010, 10:34 pm

-Hakku would seem overwhelmed by the energetic introduction from Mana, but as always, she held a calm demeanor. She would smile, patting down on Mana's and Aura's head.-
"So you're Maze's children."
-From making phyiscal contact, Hakku sensed the magic in Mana's body. So Maze's daughters were witches? This fact made Hakku curious, but it was apparent that they were different from the villianous witches that roam around the Dusk.-
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The Rituke's Visit Hakku Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rituke's Visit Hakku   The Rituke's Visit Hakku Icon_minitime1March 18th 2010, 8:04 pm

((Was waiting for Daddy or Aura-nee-chan to post... But oh well.))

"Yepyep! That we are~!"

Mana replied enthusiastically, though what Hakku said was more of a statement than a question. She continued to beam up at Hakku-sama, a little bit of random purple and red energies swirling about her for a moment. It seemed as though Mana still hadn't quite gotten a complete hold over her magics yet.
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The Rituke's Visit Hakku Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rituke's Visit Hakku   The Rituke's Visit Hakku Icon_minitime1March 20th 2010, 3:11 pm

Yes we are...it's a pleasure. ^Aura made a small bow toward Hakku as a sigh of respect. She was the only female Kage that Aura had ever seen and deep down Aura admired her for that. ^
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The Rituke's Visit Hakku Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rituke's Visit Hakku   The Rituke's Visit Hakku Icon_minitime1March 20th 2010, 3:14 pm

"Yup these are my girls~!" Maze couldn't help but smile. He was overjoyed that Hakku and his daughters where all together. Made Maze feel like they where a whole family again...n....not that Hakku could replace Sado...no no...just the fact that there was another beautiful women around...wait...AGHH~!
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The Rituke's Visit Hakku Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rituke's Visit Hakku   The Rituke's Visit Hakku Icon_minitime1March 20th 2010, 11:33 pm

((I know I shouldn't... But I will. :3))

Under the shade of a tree, Mamoru sat. As Sadako's soul partner, he had been keeping eye on her late husband... And what was that he saw? Was that... A blush on Maze's cheeks? What possibly could that boy be thinking...? Wait. He was talking to that girl that took his place as Kage. WAAAAAAIT A MINUTE.
Mamoru got to his feet, about to bellow a number of profanities on a breath of wind that would carry the words to the magican's ears... But he stopped, a tiny voice in his head telling him it was a bad idea. Sounded like his conscience...
In a huff, Mamoru sat down, grumbling. He looked around him, taking in the scenery that was quite far from Hakku's abode. Seeing things via air currents was an extremely useful thing, of course.
Still muttering, Mamoru started to fall asleep. Maybe he'd just rest... For a little while...
And with that, he disappeared with the wind, finding peace within his own element.
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The Rituke's Visit Hakku Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rituke's Visit Hakku   The Rituke's Visit Hakku Icon_minitime1March 24th 2010, 9:05 am

(Sorry for the major wait, I'm more active now.)

-Hakku sensed the different energies surrounding the children, all of which seemed a little similar to Maze's magic.-
"Hm, you have a stern heritage. They have your bases of magic."
-She glanced over at the newly arrived Aura, giving her the same warm smile her sister recieved.-
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The Rituke's Visit Hakku Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rituke's Visit Hakku   The Rituke's Visit Hakku Icon_minitime1March 25th 2010, 9:35 am

"Wow Hakku it's good to see you so cheerful." Maze would smile at her going as if he hadn't felt that other presence at all.
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The Rituke's Visit Hakku Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rituke's Visit Hakku   The Rituke's Visit Hakku Icon_minitime1March 25th 2010, 3:46 pm

"Well, yes. I have been studying the usage of emotions you see."
-She placed her hands on Mana's shoulders, looking her in the eyes.-
"This is, happiness. You seem to mirror your father in terms of expression."
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The Rituke's Visit Hakku Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rituke's Visit Hakku   The Rituke's Visit Hakku Icon_minitime1March 27th 2010, 1:29 pm

Why would you need to study the use of emotion? Are you not human? ^Aura said quit boldly. She meant no disrespect with her question she was just curious...^
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The Rituke's Visit Hakku Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rituke's Visit Hakku   The Rituke's Visit Hakku Icon_minitime1March 27th 2010, 5:48 pm

"Like Daddy? Me?"

Mana blinked, looking to her father for a moment, then back to Hakku, smiling.

"I guess so~!!"

She didn't really catch onto what Hakku had said until her sister pointed it out. It never even occured to Mana that Hakku might not be human. She raised an eyebrow, peering closer for a moment at the tiny ones and zeros. She could still be human though... Right?
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The Rituke's Visit Hakku Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rituke's Visit Hakku   The Rituke's Visit Hakku Icon_minitime1March 27th 2010, 11:45 pm

-She took her hands off Mana's shoulders, taking a few paces back.-
"No, I'm an artifically created human. Although, other than my lack of emotion, do I differ, that much?"
-She said curiously with her monotone voice.-
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The Rituke's Visit Hakku Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rituke's Visit Hakku   The Rituke's Visit Hakku Icon_minitime1March 28th 2010, 3:19 am

You look a normal human women but...It's easy to till that that's all show. That energy you give off....isn't human. But as my sister said we too aren't human which only makes it easier for us to point out you other non-humans. ^Aura spoke her head lowered hiding her face from Hakku.^
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The Rituke's Visit Hakku Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rituke's Visit Hakku   The Rituke's Visit Hakku Icon_minitime1March 28th 2010, 3:23 am

"Aura~!?" Maze shouted at his daughter. Her words were unexpected. Maze didn't expect Aura to act this way. "I'm sorry Hakku. Aura has a unique way of showing her affection as well as information."
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The Rituke's Visit Hakku Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rituke's Visit Hakku   The Rituke's Visit Hakku Icon_minitime1March 29th 2010, 12:13 am

"Maze, it's alright."
-Hakku gently placed her finger on Aura's chin, slowly lifting her head.-
"You don't need to hid your face from me."
-She pulled Aura's body close and embraced her. Her eyes closed as she patted Aura's head.-
"We aren't alike, and because of that we are the same in so many ways."
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The Rituke's Visit Hakku Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rituke's Visit Hakku   The Rituke's Visit Hakku Icon_minitime1March 30th 2010, 9:15 am

^Aura would let Hakku hug her and took what see was saying to heart. 'We aren't alike, and because of that we are the same in so many ways' Aura found this to be very profound. These words would stick with Aura for a long time. Aura would hug Hakku back barring her face into her chest.^
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The Rituke's Visit Hakku Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rituke's Visit Hakku   The Rituke's Visit Hakku Icon_minitime1March 31st 2010, 11:56 pm

(I like the new avi Hakku.)

Maze would smile warmly at the sight of Hakku's and Aura's hug. Maze would put his arms around Mana hugging her toward him. It would seem Aura had 'accepted' Hakku as not only as her leader but role model. "You two look sweet together."
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The Rituke's Visit Hakku Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rituke's Visit Hakku   The Rituke's Visit Hakku Icon_minitime1April 1st 2010, 7:52 am

-Still embracing Aura, Hakku remained speechless, even after Maze's compliment. She lacked emotion, and so she found herself at a loss for words when someone complimented or said something about her. She did know the basic thing to say in this moment, and went along and said it.-
"Thank you, Maze."
-She gave a warm smile, knowing it would show she acknowledged his comment.-
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The Rituke's Visit Hakku Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rituke's Visit Hakku   The Rituke's Visit Hakku Icon_minitime1April 1st 2010, 1:39 pm

Maze would return her smile with one of his own. Maze looked down at Mana who was being held in his arms.
"Mana way don't you and Aura go play for a bit. I need to talk to Hakku for a little while."
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The Rituke's Visit Hakku Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rituke's Visit Hakku   The Rituke's Visit Hakku Icon_minitime1April 2nd 2010, 5:01 am

"Sure thing Daddy-O~!!"

Mana would leap toward her sister and her arms around her pulling her off of Hakku and lifting her into the air walking away from Hakku and her father giving them there space.

"Come on sis let's play hide and go BOOM~!!"
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The Rituke's Visit Hakku Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rituke's Visit Hakku   The Rituke's Visit Hakku Icon_minitime1April 2nd 2010, 5:06 am

^Greatly embarrassed on how her sister was just carrying her around as if she was an baby Aura blushed.^ Come on Mana quit it~! Put me down~! ^And so as she was carried off Aura would wave to Hakku as a farewell gesture,^
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The Rituke's Visit Hakku Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Rituke's Visit Hakku   The Rituke's Visit Hakku Icon_minitime1April 2nd 2010, 6:14 pm

-She watched the two girls scurry off on their Father's command and waved them goodbye.-
"So Maze, what is it you wanted to tell me?"
-She said getting straight to the point.-
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PostSubject: Re: The Rituke's Visit Hakku   The Rituke's Visit Hakku Icon_minitime1

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