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 You crazy Witch.

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Posts : 86
Age : 14
Village of Residence : Village Hidden In The Dusk
Join date : 2010-04-09
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Kekkei Genkai : Sealing Force

Character sheet
Character Race: Witch
Character Info (Highlight):

You crazy Witch. Empty
PostSubject: You crazy Witch.   You crazy Witch. Icon_minitime1April 29th 2010, 6:56 am

Name: Chita/Rita.
Age: Time in existence; less than a year. Actual age; 300.
Origin: Vescrutia (Dusk Village)
Species: Witch
Weight: 120 lbs
Height: 5'5
Race: Unknown
Family: Zita (Mother), Valerio Lombardi (Father), Calogero Lombardi (Brother), Uncle Maze (Sorta) and his family, Uncle Khrona (Sorta) and his family.
Animal Theme: Penguins
Magic Use: Mario Magic (Object/Element), Void Magic (Element/Object), Penguins (Animal Theme)

Likes: Herself, Sex, Bondage, Sexy things, Seduction, Cruelty, Violence, Showing up others, Making people feel bad, Making herself look good, Being naked, Sleeping, Masochism, Sadism, Showing off her body, Boobs, Touching people inappropriately, Compliments, Flattery, When people talk about how great she is, Insults, Pissing people off, People like her, Mario themed stuff.

Dislikes: The attitude of Zita (To a small extent), Rita, Valerio, hings that aren't sexy, Paperwork, Labor, Not being able to flirt, People resisting her sexiness, Not showing off her body, Flat-chested women, People who aren't attracted to her, People who show her up, People who have more power than her, People who aren't affected by her insults, Anything threatening to her emotions.


Chita's anatomy is similar to Zita's in many ways, save for a few very key and potent things. These things are what set her apart from Zita's very normal anatomy, despite the magic. Like her mother, she is very attractive and provocative in the ways of seduction and use of her body, which is what this body is used for, despite it being 300 years old (which is young for a witch). Chita has long, purple, flowing hair about half that of Zita's, therefore it only reaches down to her back, and it is a bit wild and unkempt, symbolizing her own personality. Her breasts are very large, probably being the same size as Zita's, which makes them very competitive about how 'sexy they are.' Because of a 'fluke' (how Khrona proclaims it), Chita also has a tail coming from her that is literally a chain with a bladed tip to it, that being the only odd thing about her physical appearance, but it is very useful, she has found it to be. The most important thing is that Chita's body has been merged with that of a Chain Chomp that Zita requested that Khrona do, therefore Chita has attained the power of Mario Magic, being able to use anything that has anything to do with the Mario World. Another great ability that her body has is the immunity to cold and being frozen, causing her to withstand any temperature, as well as resist any sort of traction and only go by her own (ex. if there is no traction on the ground, she will be able to walk normally). Finally, Chita's mind is the most peculiar thing, being very similar to Zita's because of what Khrona did to her upon her birth. When Khrona infused her body with the Chain Chomp and the tail-chain, because of the power of PC and The Void as well as Zita's own Sealing Eye, Chita got an entirely split personality that has entirely different powers than her, in the same way that Zita has Alternate Zita.

This split personality is Rita, who is very different from Chita in many ways, especially with limited access to The Void via Void Magic. Rita's hair is long, straight and unified, reaching a little longer than Chita's (only because it is straightened). Her entire facial expression changes when Rita comes out, her senses becoming ultra sensitive and acute because of Rita's keen mind. Rita's senses are so very acute that she can even see alterations in space, time and through the dimensions, but that is also through veeeery slight help of her Void magic. Her body is also immune to the affects of space, time and the dimensions, unlike Chita's, which allows her to be unaffected by any changes in either of these things, no matter how great they are. Her mind is much more highly adaptive and in use than Chita's, which makes Rita smarter and more perceptive and analytical in every way, in contrast to Chita's head on attitude and her physical strength. Though, not much is known about Rita as of yet because of her limited access...

Like Zita, Chita likes to show off her body anytime and in any way she can, so she doesn't particularly wear much. In actuality, most of her attire is very simplistic and not really special at all. She wears a spaghetti-strap baby-T that exposes a majority of her stomach (thanks to her large breasts) and also exposes a large amount of her cleavage. She also wears very tight pants that hug her legs snug, however are very flexible as to ensure the maximum amount of movement and flexibility with her legs. However, on her wrists, she wears the oddest things... 2 large, cosmic looking cuffs surging with glowing green energy. These cuffs serve a special purpose and were created by Khrona out of Chita's own DNA, Magic, Sealing Force and PC as to prevent her alternate personality, Rita from coming out as well as to totally suppress and nullify The Void in any and all ways, ensuring Rita does not escape. Though they serve that special purpose, Chita may break them at any given time to release Rita, and may even seal them back up via the Sealing Force, even if Rita is in control.

As for Rita, her attire is a bit more dramatic and special than Chita's. The change in costume comes with the change of persona, much like Zita to Alternate Zita. Her entire outfit is a skin-tight sort of black and crimson suit and skirt, which covers every aspect of her body except for her face. Her attire is very resistant to the elements, allowing Rita to withstand harsh weather conditions, whether they be extreme heat, extreme cold, high winds or even thunderstorms and blizzards, allowing Rita to move through it with the illusion that she isn't affected by them. The suit is also able to make her resistant to the affects of space, time and dimensions, just like her body is, but even moreso than her bare body is without it. She wears gloves and thigh-high boots that are of the same material, nothing special about them otherwise. The cuffs worn by Chita are gone, giving her no restrictions on her Void Magic (except for the fact that it cannot leave the touch of her body).

You crazy Witch. Sabrina

Chita's personality is very... hard to get used to by anyone that is unlike her. Chita is a cruel person, generally not liking anyone and having a very smart mouth and a silver tongue. She tends to always express what she is thinking about someone, and that is almost always something negative and insulting. She has an extremely over confident and arrogant personality, which tends to make her think that she is hot shit, better than everyone in every way until she is proven wrong. She hates to be challenged on anything she says, but loves to resort to violence and vulgar actions as her first resolution of problems. She hates any opposing personalities to hers or people that are very smart, since she also hates to feel inferior, which is why she builds herself up so much. As such, she gets very angry and violent in the presence of intelligent people. She is very lazy, but still likes to be physically active, and for some reason loves cute things and things associated with the Mario World, as well as penguins, and her attitude changes toward anything that has properties of the 3. Despite how she hates being shown up, anyone who has a similar attitude or personality as hers and is just as sharp at the tongue and cruel, she will respect and enjoy their company. Despite how much she dislikes her own mother, Zita's, personality, she does in fact love her, but has no sort of love or respect for her deadbeat dad, Valerio. She has a strong hate for Rita because Rita is basically exactly what Chita hates most.

Rita's personality is just as hard to get used to as Chita's, because she is on the other side of the extremities. Her personality is reserved, refined, condescending and highly arrogant, making her more of the rich and intelligent, royal type while Chita is the troubled delinquent type. This makes them mortal enemies despite being split personalities. Rita is just as sharp at the tongue and absolutely loves to make people feel inferior, but does not ever feel inferior, herself. She shows very little respect for people unless she knows it is well deserved, which makes one think twice about their own personalities if they come in contact with Rita. Because Rita is so highly developed mentally, she can converse with very intelligent people and also come up with intelligent solutions, also being able to analyze just about any situation greatly. All in all, her personality is still hard to get used to. She has a strong hate for Chita because Chita is basically exactly what Rita hates most, however has an odd fondness for Zita.

Chita's Story
Chita is an odd one. Chita was conceived one lonely day when Zita was visited by the seldom seen second Twilight Kage, Valerio Lombardi, in which they got very familiar with each other... But not much was heard about that, or was thought about it until some time afterward, when Zita found out that she was pregnant. Because Zita didn't want to deal with raising a baby and because she knew that Valerio wouldn't raise no babies, Zita went to Khrona because she heard that he created his own child and aged her to the age of 14, which is what Zita wished for him to do with her child. When this happened, Khrona, however, altered the body of the baby just a bit, causing a special chain-tail to spurt out of her, the DNA being merged with a Chain Chomp's, and placing cuffs on the wrists of the child before aging her. Each of these 3 things allowed Chita to be what she is today, giving her the power of Mario Magic as well as a seal for The Void within her. An unexpected side effect of Khrona's actions was the manifestation of an entirely different being, but still the same person... a sort of higher version of a split personality within Chita, which was Rita. Rita would also be sealed with the Void within Chita via the cuffs, therefore Rita is attributed with The Void magic. Being Zita's daughter, she has very VERY powerful magic, which she has yet to control, however she is trying to hone her skills to not only increase her power, but break her cuffs. In all of this, Chita has numerous energies surging through her body which the Cuffs help to control... The Void, Magic and the Power Cosmic.

Something else gained from her mother was the power from her Sealing Eye, though because of the power of the Power Cosmic flowing through her, it had been altered and now does not rest in her eye, but resides within her entire body, dormant. It can be activated anywhere on Chita's body at her will and does not consist of only her eyes... it is the Sealing Force. This Sealing Force has the same power and abilities as the Sealing Eye, however because of the Power Cosmic altering it, it has become an actual force as well as an energy, and can be manipulated now in any shape or form. Also, Chita has the Power Cosmic, however does not realize it, and cannot use any power from it as of yet.

Soul Abilities
She has a few Soul abilities that were passed down from her mother, as well as some that she is currently learning for herself.

Soul Perception

Soul Perception: The ability to see, assess and analyze one's soul. By focusing on an individual soul, a skilled Soul Perception practitioner can actually "read" a soul and make accurate judgments about the person's characteristics, personality and wavelength. This can be used to hear or see one's soul.

Soul Magic

Soul Protect: An advanced form of magic developed by Witches to neutralize their soul's wavelength, effectively camouflaging it and making it appear as if it were a normal human soul. This particular magic was invented by witches to counter Soul Perception, an ability present in humans that can allow them to differentiate between the soul of a human and the soul of a witch.

Soul Seal: A high-class magic ability only available to Zita and Chita. Locking onto a soul with her Soul Perception and combining it with her Sealing Force Magic allows her to seal away the Soul Abilities of others. Through this, Soul Resonance, Soul Wavelength and Soul Energy as well as other abilities involving the soul (Maybe even summoning spirits or... well... Hell... Anything involving the soul) becomes sealed and unable to be used until Chita takes off the seal. It is also a very useful ability that can seal off magic from being used by other Witches, as well.

Soul Protect - Destruction: An ability that Chita created herself, but is rather odd. An ability that breaks Soul Protect, causing it to explode and harm the physical and spiritual aspects of a witch, letting her magic become ineffective if this ability is used. Alternatively she can deactivate her own Soul Protect in this way, releasing a powerful explosion that will consume the area and rupture the use of magic, soul wavelength and the chakra network, as well as physically and spiritually harm those who are near the concussive explosion of it. Great for pressure.

Soul Menace Techniques

Soul Crush: A magical form of the Soul Menace. Whilst sending her wavelength into someone else, Chita also becomes able to send magic through them, as well, reinforcing her own wavelength and being able to literally crush the souls of those she hits with this with magical reinforcement to her own wavelength.

Sonicboom: A powerful form of Soul menace. After concentrating her wavelength into a specific part of her body, she will release it as a massive pulsating wave of destructive force that will destroy whatever is in its way, rupturing not only Soul Wavelength and Soul Energy, but also chakra networks and magic with its concussive force. Not only this, it easily breaks the sound barrier numerous times.

Stun Wave: A magical wave of Soul Menace that is shot through the foe and nulls their use of their nerves, soul, mind and spirit for a short period of time, making them completely and utterly immobile in every way, even in thought.

Magical Transformation

Soul Disperse: A highly advanced form of magic that is only attainable by high-class and high-ranking witches. Using magic, this allows a witch to break up her souls into tiny fragments, using magic to still be able to control where it goes. While in a fragmented form, a witch can reform her soul into her Transformed state (if she has one) or use Soul Possession to find a new body to possess. It is generally used when the body is dying or has become too weak to use.

Transformation: Using magic, Chita can transform into a very cute penguin or into a Prinny.

Chita's Familiar is that of a gigantic penguin with two gigantic popsicle swords as weapons. This gigantic penguin is so soft that nothing can harm it, for it just absorbs all physical blows and deflects all non-physical blows. Despite its fluffiness, it is incredibly heavy and strong with its two popsicle swords, and Chita loves him dearly. He can also shoot beams that freeze stuff out of its eyes... Normally turning them into popsicles. These frozen objects hit by the magical beam never thaw, however, and become trapped in permanent, Nevermelt Ice.. Finally, he likes to eat things and trap them inside of his body forever.

Chita's other Familiars are Prinnies, which she can not only generate, but control at her own will.
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