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Tymonland, The Veritas (Dusk)
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 The Tale of The 'Misery Witch'

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Posts : 10
Age : 27
Village of Residence : Village of Reality
Join date : 2009-05-05
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Hobbies / Interests : Sadisim
Kekkei Genkai : Night Rain

The Tale of The 'Misery Witch' Empty
PostSubject: The Tale of The 'Misery Witch'   The Tale of The 'Misery Witch' Icon_minitime1May 5th 2009, 3:00 pm

Name: Ayama
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Kekkai Genkai: Night Rain
Bio: Misery Loves Me. That’s what I continue to tell myself. Because it is nothing but the truth. Love, Happiness, Joy….Emotions I can no longer harbor. Hate. Misery. Regret. Anger. These are the emotions that haunt me. My name is Ayama, and this….This is my story.

I was born in a small town called Zeréangae. My parents worked hard at their jobs. My mother was a librarian and my father was the Police Chief. They were both very respected people. It was a very peaceful town. It was a small town, as I had said…And yet it was known by all. As the town that discovered witches. And how to defeat them. Burning on the stake. When I was little, stories of witches intrigued me so….Magical spells, brooms, black cats….These stories brought me such joy. One day, my parents found my stash of books. My father was outraged. Witches where regarded as devils in the town….And he took the same view. He burned my book stash, taking away the things that had inspired me so much….It was were my hate started to blossom. I’d stay outside for the longest hour’s everyday, trying to make magic happen…But never once did I see proof that my training was working. But, one night….I snuck outside at midnight, hoping to get extra training in. I had made my way to the forest when the monsoon that racked our country began. The rain continued to fall as I made my way blindly through the forest. I soon found cover in a cavern built into the side of a mountain. Wait…a mountain? I gasped. Where was the mountain? The mountain was so very far from the village….I started to cry. I was so far…So far from mother….And yet…so far from my retched father. A wicked smile spread on my face. My father….far away? Talk about a perfect situation. Standing, I stare outside the cavern. Hadn’t I just heard something out there? I pause, listening. There it was again. Walking into the deluge outside, I noticed something. This….this wasn’t true rain. Each drop was black. Even more strange….It only seemed to be raining in the area I was in. Blinking, I thought about the only possibility. “M-magic?” I stuttered, blinking. “You could call it that...” came a raspy voice. “…?” I looked around, not seeing anyone. “Down here” a voice snapped. Looking down at about my height, I noticed a rainbow colored cat. It was rather skinny, its bones poking out from its skin. Wait what!? A talking rainbow colored cat!? I thought, looking at the cat warily. “Pleasure to meet you...” It purred, “I am Klyde”. I paused. Klyde. A cat. The hell!? “Um, I’m Ayama...” I whispered, watching the cat. The cat stared at me with sharp eyes

(Unfinished. Will finish when popssible)
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