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 Drast Mishima

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Posts : 101
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Dusk Village
Join date : 2010-02-11
Cool Points (LOL) : 1
Kekkei Genkai : Atomic Influx

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Drast Mishima Empty
PostSubject: Drast Mishima   Drast Mishima Icon_minitime1May 12th 2010, 12:39 am

Drast was born to one of the oldest and most ancient of clans, The Mishima Clan . His ancestors were told to have aided in the very creation of atoms, but that of course trillions of years ago. His clan however has died out not too long ago. Drast's clan was a clan that specialized in not only using ninjutsu, but also applying the brain as one of their most valuable ninja tools. They incorporated quantum physics, chemistry, biology anatomy, among other sciences into their advanced assassination techniques. This, in conjunction with their kekkei genkai, made them a VERY unique and formidable clan. Drast however knows little to nothing about his ancient clan, and can barely recall the name of his mother and father. This fact would usually cause any child to under go anger unrelateable. However Drast could actually careless about his clan.

As a child, Drast was the son of the leader of his clan, however was raised by his uncle. His father was a violent and corrupted leader, waging war with other clans and taking them out for land, goods, among much more. Drast however, was born and raised with his uncle, an easy going, old, jolly individual. He was however was known throughout the clan as the general of the clan's military, The Glorious Strategist. Along with him fighting along side of the leader, his uncle served as one of the greatest minds of the already vastly knowledgeable clan. They all banned together to attempt at a cure for a terminal disease that plagued the entire clan, slowly but surely deteriorating their atomic structure. The disease however, showed no signs of letting up, and there was no cure in sight. The disease seemed to however grow and worsen, increasing and spreading the more the kekkei genkai is used. Years past and it seemed as if all hope was lost, however a cure was insight. It was discovered that the cure was found in the blood of a child, Drast. His certain atomic structure differed from the others of the clan and was increasingly unique. His atoms were designed in a pattern that fought off the disease and it was the only hope of the clan. This however was discovered by his Uncle, and the price paid for Drast healing the clan would surely be his life. Being a selfish individual, Drast's uncle Odon, never shared this secret with no one, never revealed his discovery to the clan, not even to the leader, his brother. As the years past, Drast stayed with his uncle as the people in his clan dropped like flies. It was a wonder that his uncle stayed alive as long as he did. However, he was not immune to the disease and would soon pass along with the rest. With his clan terminated at such a young age and his father/mother nowhere insight, he was orphaned. He wandered vescrutia until he stumbled upon the village hidden within the dusk.

Much like his uncle, drast is an easy going individual, not trying to stress out to much. He wears a thin white long sleeve shirt along with black sweatpants. He sports a pair of thong sandles and white headphones that he carry around his neck. Drast's easy going personality, often off put his incalculable brain power and IQ and killer instincts.
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