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 Drast's Techs

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Posts : 101
Age : 30
Village of Residence : Dusk Village
Join date : 2010-02-11
Cool Points (LOL) : 1
Kekkei Genkai : Atomic Influx

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Drast's Techs Empty
PostSubject: Drast's Techs   Drast's Techs Icon_minitime1May 12th 2010, 1:05 am


After intense training with Khrona, Drast's brain power has shot through the skies in space. He has more access to the power locked in his brain. About 25%

Kekkei Genkai: Atomic Influx (update)

Drasts Kekkei Genkai gives him the liberty to freely control his atomic structure to a high degree along with atoms around his being. This involves him being able to control his density as well as other things, meaning he could walk through walls. He can also change his atoms to a point where he could have super strength, super speed etc, taking not as much as it did but still a large ass chunk him upon using it. Such a vast kekkei genkai could only mean that he has much to learn about it, but for now, this is all he knows.

Chakra Strings: (update) Drast, along with the rest of his clan, were brought up and trained to use chakra strings in their regular fighting style. They are colorless(only able to be seen by people who can see chakra) and the numbers of strings that drast can use depends on the amount of chakra he outputs. So far, he can make up to 1000 strings using both hands, each string being as strong as one of his arms. Drast, when using the strings, can weave them into various different shapes. (giant fist, drill, net etc) the strength depeneding on how big, how many strings used and how much chakra i output. Also, my eyes are allow me vision of chakra, among other things.

Quantum Intellect: (update) Greatly enhanced by his new master Khrona, Drast's mind and brain power is well accelerated above the supernatural. Through rigorous training, he has access to these techniques:

Psychokinesis/Telekinesis - Manipulation of Matter
Microkinesis - small objects
Macrokinesis - large objects
Chromokinesis - This is the term used to categorize further all kinds of weather related kinesis.
Hydrokinesis - Water (also known as aquakinesis)
Aerokinesis - Wind manipulation
Pyrokinesis - Heat/Fire
Telepathy - (weak) allows him to access another mind, and even influence weaker ones.
However, using any one of these puts as much of strain on him as it does an Uchiha using the mangekyo. He is still imperfect with them and would take a alot of work to get use to them.

Last edited by Drast on November 26th 2010, 11:59 am; edited 6 times in total
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Posts : 777
Village of Residence : Twilight Village
Join date : 2009-05-28
Cool Points (LOL) : 15
Hobbies / Interests : The sound of a bullet piercing flesh
Kekkei Genkai : Sight Guise

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Character Race: Human
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Drast's Techs Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drast's Techs   Drast's Techs Icon_minitime1May 12th 2010, 8:55 am

There are a couple holes in your jutsu list. I shall state them for you now...

First regarding your KG, the stronger, denser, faster you make yourself the more chakra you will consume. And those three things will take a nice lil bite out of your chakra. And I trust that you will be watching this with a strict eye, secondly the chakra strings. 100,000? No. 100? Sure! Give yourself a goal. And what happens when you get hit by these fists? How strong are these giant weapons? Ect...
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