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Tymonland, The Veritas (Dusk)
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 Light Hojimaru

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Posts : 1
Village of Residence : duno
Join date : 2009-06-27
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Kekkei Genkai : what ever one i make

Light Hojimaru Empty
PostSubject: Light Hojimaru   Light Hojimaru Icon_minitime1June 28th 2009, 10:04 am

Name Status: Light Hojimaru. Alias Black Lightning Ninja

Age Status: Nine-teen years of age

Gender Status: Male

Ranking Status: Gennin

Ability Status: Can create a blade of chakra to become visabe and hardened to feel like a real blade is taking place. also has been noted that he controls a small amount of critical power through the right eye which allows him to create his right side body into a weapon of blades.

Village Status: The Reality Village (hopefuly soul reaper and naruto fucking rule!)

Appearance Status: normaly he ware a scarlet red scarf around his mouth that when the mask is put on the scarf molds into the skin to make a bloodlike mark on his boned hollow chest. he also has a strike across his nose due to the battle with a shinigami it is a scar but one that is worthy of no shame. he has a mark over his left eye which is the mark of his clan that he left the mark is burning red it looks like its going to burn his skull but it doesn't. he wares black like shirt that where one arm sleave is torn off. but the right arm has a sleave of a tan color and there is wraping around is hands. he has a red sash around his waist to match his red like scarf. and wares black baggy pants along with ninja like black shoes.

Personality Status: Light is a ninja like no other he takes everything seriously even if it was a joke. He is a bit mysterious at heart but a very curagous ninja where he can actually stand up to any ninja be it gennin or jounin though he is gennin. Light is also what is known as a phycho ninja which is one that sometimes needs to see the blood of that of another ninja to prove his existance. Light is also a ninja who believes not only are ninja not peace keepers, but they are that of the kind who will wipe out the generation of ninja. He also believes he will take part in this action.

Bloodline Status: Apparently his bloodline is that of changing his right side into weapons of destruction though the weapons must be blades. he can also send an electrical current that makes it look like a black chakra based lightning takes part in the blades hence the reason he is called black lightning.

History Status: Light is a gennin ninja who knows more than anaverage ninja. Though at the age of 19 he is still gennin he is a great fighter in hand to hand combat. He lives somewhere on the coast of the reality village. Not a very sociable person he is more solitary kind of person. He normaly hides in the shadows of building taking notes on his fellow ninja seeing how they act. When he fights he finds it as a game of chess. He will sometimes place a black mask over his face that covers his mouth and his right eye so that the right eye won't exorb that much chakra out of his whole entire being which could kill him. (sorta like kakashi does with the head band to the tamoe 3 from exorbing is chakra)
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