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 Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light

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Lt. Inari
Phantom of the Depths
Phantom of the Depths
Lt. Inari

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PostSubject: Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light   Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light Icon_minitime1July 10th 2009, 6:38 pm

*Inari walked onto a misty field it was quite foggy as it was early morning. The sun shrouded in clouds, it didn't seem like the best conditions for a spar to advance his light abilities.*
"Come on out...I know you're there!"

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Arcana Sin
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Spirit of the Depths
Arcana Sin

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PostSubject: Re: Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light   Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light Icon_minitime1July 10th 2009, 6:58 pm

*Arcana had been out for a morning run with her Seal lvl set to 1 when she came across a new face, she approached slowly and cautiously, but with her normal disrespectful attitude* "Hey, who are you"
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Lt. Inari
Phantom of the Depths
Phantom of the Depths
Lt. Inari

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PostSubject: Re: Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light   Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light Icon_minitime1July 10th 2009, 7:07 pm

"...And Mother."*She would say quitely literally bursting from the gruff man's back.*
"Who might you be?running around here so scantily dressed"*Mother's eyes glowed gold*
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Arcana Sin
Spirit of the Depths
Spirit of the Depths
Arcana Sin

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PostSubject: Re: Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light   Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light Icon_minitime1July 10th 2009, 7:19 pm

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO CRITICIZE MY STYLE OF DRESS!? YOU'RE A WOMAN LIVING INSIDE OF A MANS BODY, WTF KINDA MESSAGE IS THAT!!?" *Arcana was infuriated by the words of Inari's mother, and thanks to her hot headed nature she almost attackked without thinking, but something told her that thisperson was strong, and that it wouldn't be a good idea to do so right away.*
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Lt. Inari
Phantom of the Depths
Phantom of the Depths
Lt. Inari

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PostSubject: Re: Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light   Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light Icon_minitime1July 10th 2009, 7:31 pm

*Mother laughed haughtily, This woman's temper amused her.*
"You've no idea."*The markings on Mother's face glowed an intense red as Inari shifted his footing for the upcoming attack.*
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Arcana Sin
Spirit of the Depths
Spirit of the Depths
Arcana Sin

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PostSubject: Re: Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light   Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light Icon_minitime1July 10th 2009, 7:38 pm

*Arcana quickly noticed Inari's preparation for attack, she didn't know what was coming, but she knew she should be prepared, and so she whispered in an inaudible tone* "Lifting Seal to Lvl 3" *She then shifted her weight forward and entered a fighting stance, in preparation of what was to come.*
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Lt. Inari
Phantom of the Depths
Phantom of the Depths
Lt. Inari

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PostSubject: Re: Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light   Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light Icon_minitime1July 10th 2009, 7:51 pm

"Why so tense?"*Mother mocked the girl as golden light began to exude from the two of them, eradicating the fog in the area.*
"White Balance!"*The two disappeared in blinding flash of white light, leaving the girl to be left in a confused daze since she was looking directly at them...quite focused it seemed. She'd end up coping with the full effects of the technique unfortunately.*
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Arcana Sin
Spirit of the Depths
Spirit of the Depths
Arcana Sin

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PostSubject: Re: Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light   Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light Icon_minitime1July 11th 2009, 9:16 am

*As the white light began flowing from Inari's mother, Arcana began to multiply her shadow. Just before the flash of light blinded her she would have 5 more shadows all evenly spaced around her.* "Damn, I can't see a thing...I hope that's not to problemtatic..." *Arcana would lower her Seal Lvl to 4, so that she could better fight even while temporarily blinded, in addition, she could now use her Holy element to sincrease the rate at which the damage to her eyes would heal, hopefully her plan would work out well, and she would be able to fight Inari on even ground...hopefully.*

{how long does this blindness last?}
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Lt. Inari
Phantom of the Depths
Phantom of the Depths
Lt. Inari

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PostSubject: Re: Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light   Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light Icon_minitime1July 11th 2009, 10:05 am

(whoops, its 2 post forgot to put that in there)
"Nisshoki!"*Their voices echoed above the girl as the sun shone vigorously behind the two, nothing but a silhouette was discernible but something else was off. The two descended upon Arcana at blistering speeds propelled by the twisting rays of sunlight which seemed to spawn from Mother's back. The rays carved a deep circle around Arcana cutting her shadows in half and leaving a trench of molten rock in its wake. If they were indeed shadows on the ground...then there would no longer be a ground for them to be on. Inari brought his spear around front so that the blade will land right between Arcana's eyes*

"Nisshoki:Unlocked! This technique allows Mother/Inari or both to use the sun light to propel them across great distances. The rays emitted from their backs burn immensely and act in akin to "Heaven's Calamity", the major difference being that the rays are continuous and spin rapidly. They can be extended, retracted, and curved. The rays are notably red, signifying some deeper connection to Mother's tattoos."

Last edited by Lt. Inari on July 11th 2009, 10:32 am; edited 1 time in total
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Arcana Sin
Spirit of the Depths
Spirit of the Depths
Arcana Sin

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PostSubject: Re: Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light   Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light Icon_minitime1July 11th 2009, 10:21 am

{They are actual shadows, like the ones on the ground or whatever, not shadow clones. XP}
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Lt. Inari
Phantom of the Depths
Phantom of the Depths
Lt. Inari

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PostSubject: Re: Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light   Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light Icon_minitime1July 11th 2009, 10:34 am

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Arcana Sin
Spirit of the Depths
Spirit of the Depths
Arcana Sin

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PostSubject: Re: Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light   Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light Icon_minitime1July 11th 2009, 12:05 pm

*Arcana's plan had seemed to be perfect, due to the sense heightening abilities of the fSeal Lvls she could sense enough well enough, even if she couldn't see him. while the other shadows beneath her were destroyed, due to the light from the lava, she would fire 10 spears from her shadow, directly at Inari, just seconds before dodging to the right, and only receiving a small cut on her left shoulder, she had of course jumped over the lava to dodge, and once in the other side of the lava circle she would jump another ten feet away from Inari, while waiting for her eyesight to return, with Inar's speed and the timing that the spears were fired, he should most definitely have been hit by at least one of the ten spears, as she waited she mumbled to herself* "He's--THEY're actully pretty good."
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Lt. Inari
Phantom of the Depths
Phantom of the Depths
Lt. Inari

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PostSubject: Re: Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light   Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light Icon_minitime1July 11th 2009, 1:08 pm

*Inari's spear head exploded from its holster, the rapidly moving chain whipping about to deflect about 5 of the spears. Another 3 were taken care of by Mother, slashing them away with her nails. The last 2 would graze Inari's left shoulder and right calf, leaving him to land a bit awkwardly...no matter his impact sent out a small shockwave, smaller than he planned but good enough. Inari's blade would shoot into the ground on which Arcana had previously stood/were he subsequently landed, only to come up at her feet in attempt to slice her face off from below. He wasn't giving her any time to re-coup.*
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Arcana Sin
Spirit of the Depths
Spirit of the Depths
Arcana Sin

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PostSubject: Re: Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light   Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light Icon_minitime1July 11th 2009, 1:21 pm

*Since the shock wave would cause Arcana to lose her balance, she would stumble back, fortunately avoiding the spear that had shot from the ground at her face, luck was on her side in that situation. Her eyesight had returned a bit by now, but that's not what she was focusing on, she could smell it, even through she was still mildly blind she could SEE it...Inari's blood, crimson and hot* "Blood" *Arcana lifted her Seal Lvl to 2, perhaps this person would be the one to make her release the Zero Seal...perhaps. Now then having just dodged the spear Arcana would grab its chain and in an instant yank it with enough force to snatch the chain up straight through the ground in front of her, all the way over to Inari, this would send lava and medium sized rocks flying into the air between them, then with another yank of the chain she would snatch Inari forward through the lava, since this was done with just her left hand, her right hand was all ready cocked back and prepared to punch Inari directly in the face, which with this fighter probably woudn't work, so she caused dark energy to swirl around her for some manner of precaution.*
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Lt. Inari
Phantom of the Depths
Phantom of the Depths
Lt. Inari

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PostSubject: Re: Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light   Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light Icon_minitime1July 11th 2009, 5:14 pm

*To give himself more leeway so as not to be entirely controlled by Arcana via his chain, he broke the spear into 3 parts to give him more room to work with leaving him quite stationary. That being said, the shockwave wasn't meant to knock Arcana off kilter, but to produce "Splashdown". The molten rock and dirt rose to heights just taller than the surrounding trees in a complete 360. How would Arcana's punch fair against this crushing force? Hidden behind the wall of earth and such Inari had begun removing his bandage over his eye.*
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Lt. Inari
Phantom of the Depths
Phantom of the Depths
Lt. Inari

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PostSubject: Re: Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light   Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light Icon_minitime1July 26th 2009, 9:45 pm

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Arcana Sin
Spirit of the Depths
Spirit of the Depths
Arcana Sin

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PostSubject: Re: Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light   Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light Icon_minitime1July 31st 2009, 9:07 am

*Arcana wasn't worried about the magma and molten rock, with her seal level lifted so high her control over darkness was by far high enough to deal with a bit of loose magma. The dark energy swirling around her would fly onto her body, forming black blots all over her, the blots began to quickly flow across the surface of her body and her clothing. As the magma came closer black masses of darkness would erupt from the blots, it's movement resembled that of Xemnas' black and white thorns in KH2, the Darkness Thorns, would pierce and destroy the magma and molten rock, any remains would be too small to harm Arcana with her current Seal Lvl. "Lifting Seal to Lvl 1" *She spoke in a low voice when she said this.*
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Lt. Inari
Phantom of the Depths
Phantom of the Depths
Lt. Inari

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PostSubject: Re: Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light   Merging The Two Abilities: A Confusing light Icon_minitime1July 31st 2009, 4:51 pm

*Inari pulled his chain back as the lava and such settled on the ground around themselves. Quite skeptical he looked over the new the Arcana and yawned*
"..."*Inari sat on the ground where he stood and rubbed his eye. He looked Arcana straight in the eyes.*
"So what does this do?"*Inari laid down his spear and rubbed his chin.*
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