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 Sheng's Abilities

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PostSubject: Sheng's Abilities   Sheng's Abilities Icon_minitime1November 19th 2009, 10:21 am

Kekkei Genkai: Zodiac Energy

My Kekkei Genkai gives me the ability to manipulate and control my families Chinese Zodiac Ring which host the spirits of all 12 animals within the zodiac. Which each animal can be summoned with my Zodiac Energy which powers them. When first summoned each animal will appear in a small spirit type form, and from there I will begin my manipulation of them. When used in battle while I can use a small portion of their abilities each zodiac animal can use one of three special abilities:

1. Weapon Transformation: This allows the summoned Zodiac animal to transform into a type of weapon which also uses whatever type of element they can use. These weapons are very durable and when actually destroyed they will return to their spirit

2. Physical Summoning: This will bring the Zodiac animal in to the real world with a physical body. The body will reflect what ever Zodiac animal is brought out from the beads (so if the Zodiac animal is the dragon the physical body will be that of a dragon). Along with the body in this form the Zodiac animal has a more free use of his/her abilities but the Zodiac animal is still under my control. This form also creates a very strong mental link with me and the Zodiac animal making are attack more in unison and on point.

3. Body Armor: This ability will turn the Zodiac animal into pure Zodiac Energy that will completely cover my body. The energy will then take on the form of strong armor that will reflect the fused Zodiac animal. While this energy is around me I will take on the abilities of what ever Zodiac animal I use with this. This mean I will gain the speed, flexibility, strength, and what ever other abilities they have. Although at my current rank I can only do this with one Zodiac animal and only a few times.
(Zodiac Ring)
Sheng's Abilities Zodiac11

My Zodiac Animals:

Dragon: This Zodiac animal is very strong, self-assured, proud, fiery, passionate, and decisive. When summoned from the zodiac beads he gives me the ability to breath, create and manipulate fire. He use the Physical Summoning ability which turns him into a medium sized Chinese Dragon that can breath fire and fly though the air.
(Spirit Appearance)
Sheng's Abilities Chinese_Zodiac___Dragon_by_elessthehedgecat

(Physical Form)
Sheng's Abilities F3f0d210

Tiger: This Zodiac animal is unpredictable, rebellious, colorful, powerful, and daring. He can use the Weapon Transformation turning him into a very strong shield. When summoned he gives me a large amount of strength and stamina. This shield has the ability to not only bite my opponent but also shoot large metal spikes from the mouth on the shield.
(Spirit Appearance)
Sheng's Abilities Chinese_Zodiac___Tiger_by_elessthehedgecat

(Weapon Form)
Sheng's Abilities Commission___Iron_Lion_by_DeathsProdigy

Rooster: This Zodiac animal is practical, scientific, and responsible. When summoned he gives me increased speeds as well as wind manipulation. He uses the Physical Summoning ability which turns him into a small chick with glasses and a large scarf. Although small he is extremely fast and has a super strong, long, sharp, and durable beak which mixed with his speed makes him very deadly.
(Spirit Appearance)
Sheng's Abilities Chinese_Zodiac___Rooster_by_elessthehedgecat

(Physical Form)
Sheng's Abilities Aatr_k10

Snake:This Zodiac animal is a deep thinker, wise, mystic, and cold. When summoned he gives me increased flexibility, grip, and also gives me the ability to collapse my bones and reconnect them at will. He can use the Weapon Transformation turning into a cobra ax that has the ability to stretch the cobra head section to great lengths. The ax is also coated in a strong nerve poison that will slowly paralyze the opponent.
(Spirit Appearance)
Sheng's Abilities Chines10

(Weapon Form)
Sheng's Abilities Vabbi_10

Monkey: This Zodiac animal is a motivator, improviser, quick-witted, and reckless. When summoned he gives me increased speed, agility, balance, and acrobatics. He can use the Armor Transformation causing my cloths to transform into more loose flexible ones. I also grow long string hearing ears and a long tail. While in this armor from my main weapon is a long staff that works well with my increased speed, agility, balance, and acrobatics. This staff can be charged with chakra to release large burst of energy with each strike. This is also applied to being charged with element chakras to create different affect. The final ability of this staff is that it can change in size and length depending on how much chakra I pour into it. Also a new ability of using Zodiac Monkey allows me to be able to use wood control.
(Spirit Appearance)
Sheng's Abilities Chinese_Zodiac___Monkey_by_elessthehedgecat

(Armor Form)
Sheng's Abilities The_Assassin_Wanamarthan_by_mazjojo

Ox: This Zodiac animal is dependable, ambitious, calm, and hardworking. When summoned he gives me increased strength, durability, and control over earth allowing me to use earth jutsu. He can use the Armor Transformation causing me to transform into and armor with no shirt but long sleeves that covered his arms, and large and long pant that had fur on them and covered in ox designs. Also sticking out from my shoulders would be two large horns that can extend at will. In this form my strength and durability become even great making it easy to cause massive damage to my opponent.
(Spirit Appearance)
Sheng's Abilities Chines10

(Armor Form)
Sheng's Abilities Ox_kin11

Dog: This Zodiac animal is honest, intelligent, straightforward, loyal, and amicable. When summoned he gives me increased senses which include strong hearing and strong smell as well as control over lighting allowing me to use lighting jutsu. He can use the Physical Summoning ability which turns him into a large wolf the looks as if it is made out of crackling blue-white energy. While in this form Zodiac Dog can move as fast a lighting, release surges of lighting from its fur, summon lighting bolts from the sky and also jump long distances appearing in the landing spot like a large bolt of lighting shocking anything close enough.
(Spirit Appearance)
Sheng's Abilities Chines11

(Weapon Form)
Sheng's Abilities Thunde10

Ram: This Zodiac animal is Righteous, sincere, sympathetic, mild-mannered, shy, and artistic. When summoned he gives me increased durability in the head area allowing be to head butt though steel as well as control over light energy allowing me to use light jutus. He can use the Armor Transformation causing me to gain a large black armor, a helmet strapped to his side, and a large black axe like object that would crackle with light energy. Also on the back of the armor is a large drum that seemed to always glow with energy. In this from I am able to release multiple light based attacks as well have having a durable body that can charge though a mountain.
(Spirit Appearance)
Sheng's Abilities Chines12

(Weapon Form)
Sheng's Abilities Black_10

Boar: This Zodiac animal is gallant, sturdy, sociable, peace-loving, patient, loyal, and hard-working. When summoned he transforms my stomach in to that of an acid filled black hole. This means while Zodiac Boar I am constantly hunger for something to eat which he heard though the constant loud growls that come from my stomach. To cope with this Zodiac Boar also gives me super strong teeth and acid like drool so I can eat anything I can get toward my mouth eating it and converting it into spare energy. Also when I feel like it I can take the items ingested and converted them into explosive balls or beams of energy that can be expelled at will with great accuracy. Zodiac Boar can use Weapon Transformation creating a large pot to appear behind me. Unlike my other Zodiac Weapons this one while can be used a shield it works more as a support weapon. This pot is connected to my stomach so when ever I eat anything instead of the energy being stored in my body all the energy is transferred to the pot where it will constantly collect until I decide to draw energy from it. Although the energy stored in this pot (having the appearance of soup) can only be accessed by me. If anyone tries to use the pot without my approval they will be completely drained of there energy until the move away or dead.
(Spirit Appearance)
Sheng's Abilities Chinese_Zodiac___Boar_by_elessthehedgecat

(Weapon Form)
Sheng's Abilities Golden10

Horse: This Zodiac animal is quick-witted, changeable, earthy, perceptive, talkative, and agile. When summoned he give my an incredibly amount of leg strength which raises my kicking power as well as my speed to the point where my leg can begin to generate heat because of the mass friction being created by the movements of my legs. This however is stopped with Zodiac Horse’s second ability which allows me to control and create water and ice. Zodiac Horse can use armor transformation giving me armor in the form of a large armored centaur with a large shield and spear which would surge with Ice and Zodiac energy around the spear, shield, the top of the helmet, and around the legs. This form only increases my ice and water abilities, speed, and overall durability.
(Spirit Appearance)
Sheng's Abilities Chines11

(Armor Form)
Sheng's Abilities Shinin11

Rabbit: This Zodiac animal is good friend, kind, sensitive, soft-spoken, amiable, and elegant. When summoned this Zodiac Animal gives me amazing jumping ability to the point where I can jump off of water and even air, and it slightly rises my kicking ability and my speed but not as much compared too many of my other Zodiac Animals. He uses the Physical Summoning ability which strongly turns him into a small a cyber like rabbit which actually stands on two legs. In this form Zodiac Rabbit uses a gun which releases green energy bullets that take the form a rabbits when first fired. Zodiac Rabbit also seems to have small boosters on his feet and back to move at faster speeds.
(Spirit Appearance)
Sheng's Abilities Chines10

(Physical Form)
Sheng's Abilities Rx_the10

Rat: This Zodiac animal is tenacious, intense, meticulous, charismatic, and shrewd. When summoned this Zodiac Animal gives me heighten senses of smell, hearing, and eye sight along with a very flexible skeleton making it easy for me to move around tight area as well as suffering less bone damage. This Zodiac Animal gives me control over darkness allowing me to use dark based abilities. This Zodiac Animal uses Weapon Transformation and takes the form of a small robotic rat like machine. Although unlike other Zodiac Weapon the little robotic rat can multiple constantly depending how much energy I put into it. What makes it a weapon is that this little robotic rat is actual a bomb the can release large explosion which triggered by a special hand sign. The number of times the robotic rat it multiplied doe not reduce to power each on packs when they explode and there small size make it easy for them to sneak up on and opponent
(Spirit Appearance)
Sheng's Abilities Chines12

(Weapon Form)
Sheng's Abilities R_a_t_10\

Last edited by Sheng Koudoutai on July 16th 2010, 4:54 pm; edited 5 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Sheng's Abilities   Sheng's Abilities Icon_minitime1December 23rd 2009, 10:47 pm

Geass- Gained from L.L. Sheng geass goes into affect after he is able to make eye contact with his opponent. Sheng's geass causes his opponent to have temporary loss of their sense of direction. It will only last 6 minutes (6 of their post) which means for those 6 minute while they can still fight it becomes much harder although this ability can only be done 2 time per fight. . So if you are hit with my geass and then I appear to the right of you with a punch. While your mind would try and counter my punch with your punch while in your mind you see you arm going to the right it would in reality be going toward the ground.
(up=right, right=down, left=up, down=left)

Sheng's Abilities Code-geass-lelouch-of-the-rebellion-20080425000941874_640w
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Posts : 1289
Age : 33
Village of Residence : Twilight Village
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Kekkei Genkai : Raikogan

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PostSubject: Re: Sheng's Abilities   Sheng's Abilities Icon_minitime1December 23rd 2009, 11:08 pm

Sheng's Abilities Approvalkakashi_thumbs_up-1
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