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PostSubject: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1February 25th 2010, 9:17 pm

_-Kayla would walk into a bumpy battlefield as she then waited for a proctor to show.-_
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1February 25th 2010, 9:20 pm

*After Atra left Kham, he had called him to do a ranking exam with someone he didn't know who but Kham said that if Atra and Aizu deviated from what he told them to do then something terrible would happen to him. He needed to survive if he wanted to be Kage... So he appeared seemlingly of nowhere and looked ahead of him, he can see the shadow energies of individuals (he sees like daredeveil) and he noticed that girl who he fucked with a couple months ago*

"Oh shit..."

*He said, since shes all grown up now and a special jounin at that*
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1February 25th 2010, 9:29 pm

-_Kayla's eyes slitted at the sight of this individual. She remembered him from when she was trying to train. He tortured her, and this enraged her oddly enough. She didn't even know he was on the good side.-_


-_She said clenching her fist, making them crackle with dark purple lightning. The ground around them began to crack, forming a circle around them with them inside. The ground continued to form various symbols as kayla began walking toward Atra. She was going crazy.-_
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1February 25th 2010, 9:33 pm

*Atra back handspringed into the sky landing on a platform of a black jello like substance well out of the circle craps, this is shadow energy. The power of shadows and anti-matter. Atra looked down upon Kayla and began to speak*

"Look... chill out, I'm your proctor Kham told me to. Granted, I have a slight feeling that you already have the killing intent thing down pact"

*Atra said as he continued to move back a ways, separating him from Kayla a bit more.*

"Don't make me have to kill you..."
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1February 25th 2010, 9:59 pm

_-Kayla's eyes roll to the back of head as she released a roar of blind rage. The roar was infused with Dark Magical energies. The shockwaves of sound would spread out across the field at the speed of sound, crumbling the ground in its wake, hopefully forcing there way into the ears of Atra. They would disrupt Atra's insides completely, ravaging him. All the while Kayla was standing atop a platform of dark earth.

Kayla after screaming closed her mouth and clenched her teeth. Performing handsigns and such._-
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1February 25th 2010, 10:05 pm

*Atra can separate things or divide them with this shadow prowess, which is what he did here. He covered his hand in the stuff and sliced downwards at the blast of energy coming towards him creating a slit in it for him to slip into. He landed on the ground with his hands pressed to it, his ring struck a glow, but he didn't notice it.*

"You asked for it, in your own special demonic way"

*Atra said, out of the ground seeped black water that seemed to cover the immediate area slowly turning the wasteland into a lake*
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1February 25th 2010, 10:33 pm

-_Kayla then formed an ancient handsign as the ground Atra stood on glew from under the shadow water. The insignia on the ground glowing under them both would then appear on all sides of them, forming a glowing purple dome of dark magical energies . Kayla opened her mouth as the spell she was attempting would take effect.

Everything within the dome would begin to get the life sucked right out of them, this includes the shadow water and Atra especially. The walls would take the effect of a super vaccum, the suction force pulling Atra from all sides would hopefully immobolize him while attempting to pull him apart from all sides, his skin, his bones, and the chakra right out of him. The shadow water would begin to dissipate rather quickly, the chakra being sucked right out of it at an alarming rate.

Kayla on the other hand would be recieving this surplus of chakra from Atra. She floated there above Atra while she conducted this symphoney, half out her mind.-_
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1February 25th 2010, 10:45 pm

*The shadow water was massive, it was an expansive sea of black water which was really good for him in this particular case. He took note, all within micro seconds that the water was getting pulled towards the walls of the dome. He could manipulate the wind chakras afoot here so that the shadow water would be sucked in Kayla's direction by possessing the air in the area.*

"I was told by a large diamond guy, that if you loose control of emotions. You loose the battle... this applies to you here, go berserk all you want use big explosive flashy moves. I'm used to shit like that."

*He ignored the chakra drain for a second, it didn't really matter to him. He used the shadow wind as the massive sea of the shadow water turned to shadow 'gas?' it began to wisp around the area at atra's control and form around Kayla it was super dense able to withstand the greatest of impacts. After this was finished. Atra took this opportunity to phase through the ground and out of the dome obtaining a safer distance*
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1February 26th 2010, 2:36 pm

_-Kayla close her eyes after snarling at atrás remark. She would grab her head as she regained her right mind. Kayla rarely loses it and when she does, it puts her at great disadvantage. After the fact anyway, kayla would recognize her situation and think of a multi-step plan in a millisecond.

She opened a portal that would gobble her up and spit her out somewhere, outside the dome. She clenched her fist, setting it ablaze with a fiery dark chakra. This would make the dome behind her compress on itself and warp to the same burning hand. Kayla then cocked back and hit the ground with her index finger and pinky finger extended. This would cause a dark pulse to shoot across the ground, glowing with a different symbol, but instanty fadding away afterward. Kayla remained in her knelt position, charging a dark chidori with her free hand. She had her eyes closed, her mind playing demos of every possibility that could occur. She waited for atra-_
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1March 1st 2010, 9:08 pm

*So, conveniently enough... Atra had been guestimating where Kayla would appear just in case if she were to land on the ground after his little set up, the possibilities were endless but seeing as how Atra's shit talking calmed Kayla down he figured she would just land straight down. A series of Hands would appear out of her shadow grabbing her in place. Atra then emerged from the ground, having phased through all possible things done to the ground and anything associated with it after the shadow wind dome thing. He floated off the ground slightly, Kayla hopefully still, and various hands on her legs. If this didn't work, he was still on guard with his Katana floating behind him*
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1March 1st 2010, 9:26 pm

_-So, Kayla would look at atra and close her eyes. Kayla had predicted that Atra would reappear next to Kayla sooner or later, so she had preped a spell for him the moment he reappeared. So once he did, kayla extended her index finger and pinky finger. This would cause the symbol on the ground to glow brightly, encasing Atra and Kayla in a cylinder of the magical energies, seemingly invinsible. This would paralyze Atra's mind process for the maxium of 10 seconds. This spell/was called Spellbinding Circle, and kayla was mediocre with it.

With Atra's body ironically paralyzed Kayla would follow up with clenching her fist that was charging the Dark Chidori, it was about the size of her. This would cause the cylinder the both of them were in to erupt with the Dark Lightning, hopefully disenergrating Atra completely with it's dark electrical energies. Hopefully Disenergrating the shadow hands. This entire process happened 3 seconds after Atra reappeared._-
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1March 1st 2010, 10:34 pm

((gotta love those sentient beings...))

*Suprisingly enough, the magical cylinder shattered and Atra was perfectly fine with that smirk on his face that he does when he knew that his Narra super genius smarts played out perfectly. His sentient shadow, Des Noir used 'shadowforce' as a concussive explosion to break the magical energies containing Atra, upon this, and probably to Kayla's off guarded surprise Atra took this opportunity to slash at her abdomen with both of his Katannas, he wanted to see more of her abilities before he gave her the good rank up. All the while, and since Kaylas back was turned the other way, she wouldnt notice the threads of shadow scattered across the battle field*
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1March 1st 2010, 11:10 pm

-_The attack would indeed catch Kayla off guard. Kayla had thought her plan was full proff, albeit the fact that she was inexperienced with the dark spell, that had to be the reason. She would see Atra dash in at her at intense speeds and and her súper intellect would aid her as well, almost automatically. She would guard his slashes with the life sized Dark Chidori. She would even parry the slashes, knocking him off guard as she performed a jutsu that she learned from her mother.

Once Atra was off guard, Kayla would palm his face and hit him hard with an hitooshi, a move she almost mastered and even renamed and tweaked out. She renamed it Dark pulse. This attack would hopefully repel him with enough strength to shatter a mountain to bits. Along with repeling him, the jutsu would hopefully begin to deterorate his being slowly. But this was only if the jutsu connected. Also, kayla had attached the strings of chakra that come with the attack, and would yank him back in an attempt to bash his hopefully unconcious body to smitherines with her life sized Dark Chidori._-
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1March 3rd 2010, 4:49 pm

((Shatter a mountain to bits? Come on now... Ur getting a tad bit carried away my friend))

*Atra only made it seem like he was 'off guard' after all he was Atra Narra, he knew that Kayla was the daughter of Kay-no and a skilled hand to hand combatant, it was only right that she wasn't overwhelmed at close range. He could have easily simply sliced through the chidori, shadow possessed Kayla on the spot but chose not to. Instead, he seemingly disappeared when Kayla did her palm thrust thing the field was now covered in black threads of shadow, its like the ground had veins, tons of em. Atra dipped into one of the veins surrounding the field, and assuming that this 'charka string things' functioned like real ropes kayla's hand would be pulled towards the ground making her shadow touch the various threads. If not, then whatever it really didn't matter*

"You underestimate me kid... "

*He said as he rose from the ground. His blindfold and hair flailing about in the wind he preformed a single seal, and the thousands of shadow veins erupted into a searing city block wide geyser of black flame. The shadow flame is shadow energy with flame properties, anyone who has ordinary elemental resistance wouldn't be immune to the shadow fire. Atra set the entire area ablaze, hoping to incinerate kayla with it*
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1March 3rd 2010, 10:08 pm

(Not really carried away, but I was exaggerating so that the intensity of the attack could be understood.)

-_Once Kayla's attack missed and she was surroneded by shadow energies she would close her eyes and make a seal. This was her going into complete balence. The background of the ara then changed as the shadow flames seemed to disperse prior to them burning kayla to nothingness. The Darkness around them all remained, however, Atra would be forced into vision, no longer allowing him to hide in the shadows. They were now transported to the dark stream, the ground made of seemingly dark space while the various symbols floated around the sky. The dark stream threads floated about the air as kayla remained where she was.-_

"Then, I guess it's time to pull out my ace in the hole, eh.?"

-_She said with her eyes closed. Kayla has never used this card before, yet it was no doubt her strongest weapon in her arsenal. She was going to try to get rid of Atra and his junk.-_
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1March 3rd 2010, 10:22 pm

"Ugh... I hate being transported into different areas."

*Atra took this time out to look around a bit, he couldn't see shadow energy since they were conveniently cut off from anti-mass, luckily, Kham trained him just in case this happened. Thought Atra was 100% blind as a bat, his combat ability was not hindered... he just fought differently. He could take off his blindfold, but he really didn't want to. It made him look cool*

"I can't see..."

*Atra gripped his ever floating Katannas behind him in a valor form like style, he extended them with shadow energy to make them a tad big longer, then Atra's body flickered... standing next to him now was his shadow Des Noir who had the same stance as he. Des Noir could see perfectly, and he would be atra's eyes for the moment*

"Let's see how you fare when your life is at stake..."

Last edited by Atra on March 3rd 2010, 10:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1March 3rd 2010, 10:35 pm

_-Kayla opened her eyes. She could feel her chakra growing back from just standing there. she then raises her hand and the endless darkness begins pouring out in streams forming a charging sphere of dark electrical and magical energies that grew larger and larger every secound . though some streams didnt gather but instead formed tornados randomly striking down . they generaly form by Atra_-
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1March 3rd 2010, 10:55 pm

*Atra took out his ipod headphones out of his pocket, he slid them into his ears. He was in his mode now and he needed to think. Death Core always calmed his nerves, he looked at his shadow, Des Noir. They both nodded and commenced to doing awesome epic things. Shadow energy can divide energies in half like a wedge so Atra and Des Noir plowed through the tornadoes protecting them with shields of shadow energy going so fast they looked like dark streaks appearing on either side of Kayla*


*Atra didn't say a word, neither did his shadow... the both attempted to slash her from both sides. Knowing how Kayla functions hand to hand, they already had the second part of their plan set up.*

((Des Noir! No Keyblade tho))
Ranking Exam Vanitas
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1March 3rd 2010, 11:34 pm

-_Kayla would stand there, as it seemed that she kinda baited Atra to come close to her. Their respective attacks would be blocked by an invisable shield. This was her solidifying Hitooshi to the form of a barrier. However, hundreds of streams of darkness would instantly protrude from the barrrier. They would all attempt to bind the both of them, while them being inside the Dark Stream would begin to constantly suck there chakra away from them. While it seemed as if Atra waas used to chakra sappage, it would no doubt get to him soon.

Kayla began to meld into the darkness as the orb of dark electrical and magical energies she was charging would then expand in a fashion of a dome. This attack would begin to gobble up anything in it's way, disorenting the very space that makes up the dark stream.-_

"Where's that mouth of your's Atra.?"

-_She said, half of her body being already melded into the darkness. She was going into complete sync with the dark stream, achieving ultimate balence needed no type of distrubance.-_
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1March 3rd 2010, 11:41 pm

*Unfortunately, Atra couldn't hear Kayla even if he tried he was listening to his music thinking and shit. And he had a feeling Kayla was gonna go for some sort of shield quick counter thing. He phased through the various tendrils of darkness, wisping around them fusing his body with the shadow wind. He focused all of the shadow energy into the tip of the two blades, as he stabbed through the dome appearing on either sides of Kayla with their blades at her sides. Hopefully critical injury would cause them to exit this realm*

"I read through your strategy, so many people have tried to absorb me I already know the signs. Take us out of here, I'd like my sight back"

*And with that, Atra and Des Noir would hopefully seize the opportunity to slice at Kaylas legs, if not then they might have to work a bit harder*
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1March 3rd 2010, 11:57 pm

-_Kayla would have failed again. Natuarally she would be able to shrug of such an attack, however, when she was in the process of trying to become insynch with the dark stream, she was extremely vunerable. She would fall to her knees as they appeared back in the normal world, Kayla holding her chest as the Dark Stream had to reconstruct herself, thanks to her foolishness. The pain was excrutiating but she refused to show it.

Kayla remained on the ground grabbing her chest. She refused to look at Atra out of shame.-_
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1March 4th 2010, 12:04 am

*Atra slid to a stop, his body flickered and Des Noir was gone. He fanned his hands and his Katanas disappeared. He could see now, he was comfortable. He took his head phones out of his ears and slid them back in his pocket. His hair bristling in the wind, his ring was lit up the entire fight. He looked at it, but didn't notice it until now. He smoothed out his hair and turned around towards Kayla*

"Phew... Not fighting you again. I'll give you Jounin."

*Atra said, he walked over to Kayla and peered down at her with a straight face on*
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1March 4th 2010, 12:14 am

-_Kay looked up at atra as he stood infront of her. She slowly made it to her feet, taking her hand from her chest as she bruted her way through the inward pain. She then shared a stare with Atra before deciding to walk past him. Atra may or may have not known, but kayla was going to kill him._-
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1March 4th 2010, 12:23 am

"You mad?"
*Atra said as he turned around with his hands behind his head and an arrogant smirk on his face. He didn't even give Kayla the jounin headband*
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam Icon_minitime1March 4th 2010, 12:34 am

-_Kayla turns back around and appears behind Atra, she then simply steals off him, knocking him to the ground. Kayla then takes her jounin headband, and walks through a portal.-_
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