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Ranking Exam - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam - Page 2 Icon_minitime1March 4th 2010, 12:38 am

*Atra didn't see that one coming, he thought the fight was over. He should have caught her in a shadow possession or something. Anywho, he fell on his face. And layed there for a bit, turned over and looked towards the sky*
*Is all he thought, he then looked at his hand with the ring on it, he wanted to learn more about it. But he mentally signaled to Kham that the deed was done*
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Ranking Exam - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam - Page 2 Icon_minitime1March 4th 2010, 5:15 pm

--Time Skip--

*Atra woke up a bit later after he took his little snooze, he wanted to start on some training, learning about this ring what it's powers are and learning about the powers that Unicron bestowed upon him. It wasn't as obvious as Aizu's 'reality warping' it had to be something cool he thought. He rose, the sun was nice and bright. Atra loved mid day, that's when the sun was at it's highest. The perfect opportunity for training. Atra looked around a bit and tossed off his cloak putting his headphones in his ears, the music placed him in his own little world for a bit. He began to think to himself*

Kham had a ring similar to this one, but it was of a different color. But when he had me in his death grip, it lit up. It also lit up when I was in deep concentration. So if I could just recall those emotions... it should work

*Atra looked inside himself a bit and reflected on his life. It was filled with relaxation until he met Kham. He aspired to be strong like him and one day become Kage of a village, or at least a highly respected member. All his efforts so far have been in vain...he had a goal to accomplish, and with that. The ring lit up with a golden sparkly flame... Atra didnt't know what it was called, but everyone knows its the sun flame, he clung on to this feeling. Now to figure out what it does. Using his Narra intelligence and analytical mind, he figured he would try and see if he could fuse it with any of his attacks. He turned around and there was a nearby tree, not far off from his position. He pointed to it with the ring covered hand, and his shadow jetted out towards it attempting to possess it, but something greater happened. The possession was nearly instantaneous! The hyper activation attribute, activated the process of shadow possession to light speed! Atra smirked... he like this new power already. Now to see what it could do with infected targets*

When I trained with Kham, I learned to possess people on two fronts. This plane of existence, and their anti-mass which lies in the shadow realm. If I could use this speed power to speed up the shadow energy making it move independent of the anti mass...

*Atra decided to test this theory, he placed his hands on the ground, the shadow possession that used to be a black streak connecting him to another object was now a dark sparky golden trail of energy. The trail glowed when Atra applied his hands to the ground the shadow ruptured and the tree exploded in a violent frenzied burst of sun flame. It seems that Atra can hyper activate someones shadow energy causing it to move independent of them killing the person instantly. Though, the heavier or stronger the foe the less damage this would do. Atra decided to try this again to get the hang of it, he went for another light speed sun flame powered shadow possession but the ring's drain was far too great for him to continue. He collapsed on one knee*

Wow... with great power comes a price I guess. But I can't stop now.

*Atra possessed the shadows of some nearby rubble around him, converting their shadow energies into chakra replenishing his own giving him another shot at this ring business. The ring lit up once more, It seems that the rings power speeds up a certain process of whatever it's applied to. So what would happen if Atra did this with his own shadow energy and his other techniques? His body flickered as he rose from his knealt position summoning his shadow Des'Noir to the field. Unlike Atra, his body glowed with the ring's power because he didn't have a ring. He nodded to Des'Noir who shadow possessed Atra, immersing the sun flame with his very being fusing it with his body and such. Des'Noir then sliced Atra in half in a flash using the Sun Flame to speed him up. Atra in two pieces stood there for a bit before threads of golen shadow energy stiched him back together, he turned around towards his shadow and smiled*

Yep... that's awesome. But there has to be more to this, I have to learn what it is unicron gave me.

*Atra remembered when he was fighting TJ, and he filled the entire place with the shadow water turning every drop into a clone of him and Des Noir. He never had the ability to manipulate shadow energy on that large of a scale before. Perhaps the power bestowed upon him was to manipulate shadow energy to form it into any object he once possessed? No... that would make him too strong! But he had to give it a shot, and perhaps the ring would help this process along. He took a step foward appearing in the shadow of a nearby boulder. It was already possessed because Atra's body was in it's shadow. The shadow turned gold as Atra began to sign, he recalled something or someone that he possessed in the past. Kay-no... the oldschool Kay-no. The rock was set ablaze with the Sun Flame and turned into an Anti-From-esque version of Kay-no under Atra's complete control!. But it's one thing for it to be Kay, it's another thing for it to have her powers too! Atra sent a mental signal for the shadow Kay-no to preform one of her techniques, the Big A, the shadow Kay-no was linked to Atra via shadow strings to his head... the could stretch for endless lengths, but should they be severed surely shadow Kay would be a lifeless doll. Atra was super GEEKED, shadow Kay-no summoned her twin blades and took a step forward towards Des Noir preforming the big A. Des Noir phases through the attack since he knew it was coming and remained unharmed. Atra was so happy, now... if only he could find some way to syphon Kay-no's techniques to him... but that's impossible. He waved his hand towards the shadow Kay-no who disappeared. He then sat down and made a mental record of everyone he possessed so he can do this again some day.*
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Ranking Exam - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam - Page 2 Icon_minitime1March 4th 2010, 9:54 pm

*After a good hour of thinking Atra recalled him shadow possessing ANBU Jace, Kay-no, Kham, Aizu, Zeik, Tigen, Akazuki Law, Shen, Vash, Axel, Shinta, Ken, Kayla, and a host of others. He wondered how many of these anti clones of them he could control at once. He started to start simple. He knew that he could convert the antimass of one thing into another, but how much chakra would it take to simlpy generate an antimass clone? Why not give it a shot... so he did. He began to sign manifesting a pool of shadow energy in front of him, or an artificial shadow is what he called it. With his sun ring lit, the shadow began to pulse black and gold until it began to form into Jace back in the day when he was an ANBU but an anti form version of him. Atra began to sweat, the Jace wasn't even in full form before it collapsed into nothingness. Atra was out of chakra.*

Wow... that much chakra?

*He said, as he sat on the ground so it seems that it would always be logical for him to transform the antimass of something else into an anti soldier of some sort. Guess he was limited in that aspect, or it could just be the drain of the ring. With that ability discovered Atra was going to try it again, but later. Right now, he wanted to work on the Shadow Light, he knew that as long as he shot the sphere at a major light source he could cover the entire field in black shining light, he usually shot this at the sun but that consumed way too much chakra. He was sure that the shadow light could exist as it's own light source... he began to sign his hand turned into a shining spehre he was improvising a bit he mixed in it the shadow wind and let it go. The sphere grew a bit larger until it was a bit larger than his head, it floated around him. Atra preformed a release seal and the most awesome thing happened, the shadow sphere began sucking shadows towards Atra like a vacuum going at a steady speed, and most of all the light source didn't change and the chakra drain was minimal. It was great... He decided to call these shadow force orbs, because they did what the shadow force did in a sense.*

((Visual Aid))
Ranking Exam - Page 2 Anima__Reinhold_by_Wen_M

*Atra nodded pleasingly at the orbs, the more orbs he summoned the faster shadows came towards him. No doubt the sun flame made this work all the better. Atra then decided he would give the anti-form copy thing one last go before resting and challenging Kham for a friendly match. He awayed the orbs, the chakra was getting a bit costly as he used the shadow of a boulder and transformed it into the anti-kham, this was pre-pc Kham, but it's not the the PC made Kham who he was today it looked like an anti-form version of him. wispy strong shadow energy strings linked that Kham to Atra, his movements were executed with a mental thought. A global fist here and there, and such. The clone disappated, and so did atra, he was ready now. Or so he thought.*
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PostSubject: Re: Ranking Exam   Ranking Exam - Page 2 Icon_minitime1

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