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Tymonland, The Veritas (Dusk)
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 Sword skills

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Sword skills Empty
PostSubject: Sword skills   Sword skills Icon_minitime1November 3rd 2010, 2:52 pm

The ability to fight with up to three swords.

Single Sword:

Razor Wind: A quick draw technique. Drawing the sword at such a speed that you create a razor sharp air current that is lethal for up to 50 yards.

Pin point: A sword thrust technique. an extremely accurate sword thrust that can be used to sever nerves. only useable at close range.

Dual sword:

X-Slash: Charging his swords with chakra he is able to increase their sharpness. he will be able to fire off sharp air currents similar to the Razor Wind.

Buzzsaw: he curls into a ball, while holding his swords, and rolls at such a high speed that he resimbles twin buzz saw blades.


Streaming The Wind: A Counter Technique. when he blocks an attack with his swords his speed increases for a lil bit.
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