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PostSubject: Family Reunion   Family Reunion Icon_minitime1June 15th 2009, 2:21 pm

_-Val would appear in a vaccent wasteland..she seemed more off than usual which was saying alot. she would fall to her knees and close her eyes as she attempted to conversate with her imaginary friends the same way she would usually if she wanted to be soothed before going on a blood lustful killing spree to calm the nerves..in her mind, is the only place where she can talk with sense and have an audience((her parents)) to entertain her issues..-_

((In her head..))

Ashley: "My child.."
Val: "It's..to much to bare..this rage, this sorrow, this hate..please make it all stop..make it go away.."
Ashley: _-Begins to think of what she can do to soothe her child before she goes on another mindless spree of carnage, something she didn't really approve of, but if it helped Val deal..it was ok..

Charlie: "There is only one thing we can do..you know this Ashley.."_-Charlie said, obviously having the cure to there childs problem..-_
Ashley: "BUT AT WHAT COST Charlie...if she were to do something like that again..it could collapse her mind altogether, which is something we can't risk..."_-Ashley said with the emotion and passion any other parent would have if someone was suggesting to harm the well being of there child-_
Charlie: "AT THE RATE AND CONDITION SHE'S IN NOW, HER VERY BEING COULD COLLAPSE AT ANY MOMENT...please Ashley, this is the only alternative we have..I don't wanna lose her either."_-Charlie said trying to convince his wife that he knows best for there child

_-They argued and argued about who's desicion would be best for Val, but eventually, Charlie, being the strong and caring father val had always imagined he'd be, managed to get through to Ashley..-_

Ashley: *Sigh* "I hope to God your right.."_Ashley said relinquieshing responsibility to Charlie..-_
Charlie: "For all our sake, I hope I am too.."_-Charlie said taking a deep breath as he made a handsign only recongnizable by the Simimura Clan((their's apparently..)) mustering up and concentrating all of Val's Kharlon chakra which she by her self at her current state couldn't do..Charlie then began doing more unrecongnizable handsigns as he began trying to rip out all the Rage, and Hate that was going to soon engulf and collapse Val's very being..she began yelling and screaming as her mind began to tear itself apart..The Rage and Hate would begin to merge with Val's Kharlon chakra the same way it happened when Val created Ashley and Charlie...they were apparently attempting to make Val release all of her Rage before it destroyed her..-_

((In the real world))

_-Val would be rolling around screaming crying tears and such..it would seem as if she was laughing enjoying this pain...soon the whole area would begin to disort and crumble as it ended in an explosion of power...time would pass and she would wake up and see charlie, ashley standing above her..ashley would extend her hand as to help Val up to her feet..-_

Val: "What the hell happened..?"
Ashely: _-Ashley would point up to the sky behind them to the new imaginary friend Val was forced to create with the help of Charlie..-_
Val: "I..did that.."
Ashley: "Yes..it's the incarnation of the hate and sorrow you have, from our lost clan..what will you call him..?"
Val: "Carnage..".._-Val said without thinking twice about it..it was as if he had already given her his name..-_

Family Reunion Onslau10

Val: "However..I think it's time that I learn how to better my own skills.._-Val said as she awayed Carnage..-_ "I think I have begun to rely on you all far to much.._-she said as she turned to Charlie and Ashley..-_.."I'm going to learn how to harness that Kharlon chakra.."

_-Ashley and Charlie would only nod, not being able to actually talk..Val would smile twistedly as always..-_

Val: "Then let's get started then.."
_-Since it was her birth right chakra, Val assumed that it shouldn't be that hard to use kharlon chakra once she finds out how..Charlie extends his hand instructing Val to do the same as he creates a small ball of black and white Kharlon chakra..Val would so the same with her hand as she created a smaller orb of Kharlon...Charlie then speaks to Val telepathically instructing her that there is a certain finesse in using Kharlon chakra as it isn't always brute force, but it's different in each person who wields Kharlon..Charlie then tell Val that for her to use Kharlon Chakra at her peak, she has to want the death of her opponent all the more, and want to see carnage..she found this to be rather easy as she closed her eyes and began trying to channel her Kharlon chakra...the black and white chakra began to engulf her entire body as it began to devour her whole..however she didn't fear at all as she kept her eyes closed and allowed the chakra to take it's course, for she trusted her parents more than she trusted anyone..once the chakra finished eating her it then encompassed her entire figure only thing being able to be seen of her is her changing an seemingly growing silouette..the white and black chakra dispersed and Val emerged with her new changed appearence((her new avatar))..she now looked as if she was 18 17 years old instead of 14 or 15..she was well defined in every single way,,except for her incurable insanity, which not did it seem to not wither, but even increase..however, it seemed that she was so insane actually, that she appeared sane..weird right?..Val then observed her new appearence..as Charlie began to speak with her telepathically yet again, telling her, "now that you have recongnized you Kharlon chakra that runs through your veins, your body has evolved from it's cocoon state..

Val then clenched her fist feeling the new power run through her veins, and the increase in all her power..yet, charlie tells her that she still has a long way to go if she wishes to learn all of her powers but at the moment this is as far as she can go..Val nods..-_

Last edited by Val on June 15th 2009, 3:41 pm; edited 4 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Family Reunion   Family Reunion Icon_minitime1June 15th 2009, 2:24 pm

do you have to call "onslaught" onslaught?
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