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 Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon

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Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon Empty
PostSubject: Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon   Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon Icon_minitime1August 3rd 2009, 3:23 am

Zesu was walking around with Venize riding on his back as he was looking for classroom number 1-3. He didn't noticed that his Soul Partner was riding on his back the whole time until her left roller-blade accidentally kicked him in the crotch from behind resulting him to be in agonizing pain from it and the other students laugh from it. Zesu eye twitches a few times while maintaining to walk towards the classroom and take his seat a bit in the middle. Venize was sitting right beside him as she batted her eyes a few times acting like an innocent person even though she did that on purpose. Zesu would just blank into space thinking about himself eating an hard salami sandwich for an very good moment. Awaiting for the sensei.
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Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon   Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon Icon_minitime1August 3rd 2009, 3:47 am

From out of the hall and into the door way Maze slides into the class room on a office chair that conveniently stops as Maze reached the far edge of the chalkboard at the front of the classroom. Una shortly floated into the room afterward and sat on the edge of the teacher's desk in the front of the room as well. Maze took the chalk and wrote his name on the board and turned to the class. "Hello their everyone. I'm your teacher Maze Rituke no need for mister." Maze motioned his hand toward Una. "And this is..."

Una: I'm Una Rituke Maze's partner and co-teacher and I demand to be called miss.

Maze sighed. "Yes well....before we get started I need one person to tell me what a soul is. Anyone?"
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Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon   Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon Icon_minitime1August 3rd 2009, 10:55 pm

The question that was asked around the classroom made everyone give out their own reason for what a soul was from their beliefs. Zesu thought about what was the meaning of soul upon his own reasons by combining the teachings of his sensei and the morals that was told by his friend, Faro. He raised his hand to get both sensei's attention as he began to speak about his terms of the question.

"Ummm...Ain't the soul is the spiritual or immaterial part of a living being, often regarded as eternal? It is usually thought to consist of one's consciousness and personality, and can be synonymous with the spirit, mind or self?"

Venize looked at her partner with a slight bit of an amazement from his answer. However, she'd knew the exact answer of it since it was just a simple question for her. So she just remained quiet and waited to see if he was near the tip of the icing.
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Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon   Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon Icon_minitime1August 3rd 2009, 11:04 pm

"Yes you there with the blond hair and face tattoo very good use of words. You where dead on. Please stand and tells us your name."
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Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon   Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon Icon_minitime1August 3rd 2009, 11:42 pm

Both Venize and Zesu was surprised from the fact that he had got the complete answer head-on without messing it up for once. Well that was because he never been in a classroom, let alone an academy of sorts due to being an thief all of his life along with his reputation status back in his hometown, Apotos. Zese just did an slight gulp as he slowly rose out of his seat and standing up so that Maze and the other students can see him. Venize just blew an bubble out of the pack of juicy fruit gum she'd pulled out as she watches her partner being very nervous and scared. He spoked out nervously since he's didn't even know what to do around these kind of things and made a bit of a fool out of himself by getting his own words tangled up.

"U-Ummm....My names Z-Z-Zesu Rikoyae....Or was it Desu? I mean Zesu Rikoyae...Sensei Maze."

The other students slightly snickered from seeing him screw up his own name due to being nervous.
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Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon   Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon Icon_minitime1August 4th 2009, 1:55 am

Maze glared at the chuckling students and slapped Una on the back of the head for she was laughing to. "Well then....Zesu Rikoyae. Well done." Maze walked in front of the teacher's desk and talked to his students. "By understanding your soul your inner spiritual and eternal power you can accomplish great things." Maze looked at his students and sighed. "I hope you all are taking notes."
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Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon   Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon Icon_minitime1August 4th 2009, 2:33 am

Zesu sat back down on his desk as he began to take notes upon what Maze was teaching about the soul and its vast amount of accomplishments that it can unleashed. Most of the students were taking down notes, some we're eating lunch early during class, and there were a few others who we're either completely into space or just went into dreamland. Those we're mainly in the back, however. Him and Venize we're taking down the notes, but his soul partner was tossing him a note with her drawing and a small but simple saying on it since she was bored and wanted to tease Zesu.

(Incoming random drawing done in MS Paint! XD)
Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon Yousucku

Zesu just gaved out an "What the hell?" kind of look as he then looks at Venize with an eye twitch. All Venize did was just giggles and winked at him. Oh what joy of being soul partners for the two!
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Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon   Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon Icon_minitime1August 4th 2009, 2:41 am

Maze continued his pacing and onward with his lecture while Una just sat on the desk and started eating a apple. "Now then...I am under the impression that everyone in here was a Soul Partner with them correct? Tell me.....Who in the Soul partner relationship is more important..The Meisters or the Weapons?" Maze stopped his pacing and turned to the class. "Zesu...what do you think?"
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Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon   Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon Icon_minitime1August 6th 2009, 4:46 pm

Zesu was somewhat surprised when Maze called him out all of a sudden once more towards his opinion about which of the following is the main key of the relationship. Yet, he knew that he saw this coming since he did answer the last question. He'd stop taking down notes and began to think for a quick moment about the question. He'd then looked to the right at Venize and she did an shrug to tell him that she doesn't know herself. Zesu then looked back at Maze and stands up to respond towards Maze question.

"I think to believe that both The Meisters and the weapons are the sole keys into the relationship. Some say that The Meisters are important because they can control the weapon of the soul partner and help them increase their abilities into becoming stronger weapon types. Others would say the opposite since the weapons would give The Meisters their strength and gain power from it to build themselves up into becoming an unstoppable force. However, I see it as both of them. The reason is that in order for you and your soul partner to become stronger within each other, the two will have to work together as one to maintain balance within one another to avoid any conflict. It's like Yin and Yang in a similar sort of way. If one side is at full potential while the other side is nowhere near its peak, then you're bound to get an failure relationship where either one may disband and find another Meister or Soul Partner/Weapon or worse. This is mainy just how I see it as of now because I don't know too much about Soul Partners/Weapons as of yet, but I'm still getting to know my own partner, Venize, ever since the first day we've became partners and friends. In order to become stronger with yourself and your soul partner, you must work together as one to create an greater bond towards each other for an successful gain to the both."

The class would then make a few comments and questions about what Zesu said while Venize looked at her partner with great amazement towards his opinion about the question. Venize thought in her mind.

Wow...This kid is pretty good. He's not as stupid as he looks unlike some of the soul partners I've had before.
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Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon   Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon Icon_minitime1August 18th 2009, 11:50 pm

(( Wee ooo weeooo wwwee oooo wwwwweeeeeeeee ))
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Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon   Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon Icon_minitime1August 18th 2009, 11:59 pm

"Calm down students. And that was a very good answer Zesu but then what of those Weapons that don't have a meister or people who don't have Soul Partners? You as meisters take that energy from your soul weapon and make it your own and like you said Zesu this can only work when relationships between meister and weapon work. This is called "Soul Wavelength". Do you all understand?" Maze asked the class.
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Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon   Class in session: Learning more about his Soul Partner/Weapon Icon_minitime1August 19th 2009, 12:40 am

The classroom would take note upon what Maze just said about "Soul Wavelength" along with Zesu since he was completely new to all of this. Who knew that being inside a classroom can be oh so informational instead of just stealing something and learning about it from a trade dealer? Well Zesu knew all about that since it was his usual job back in his homeland. Venize would take notes upon it as well. The whole class continues to listen to Maze lectures, take down notes, and ask questions.
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