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 Class Session: Learning About Myself

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Class Session: Learning About Myself Empty
PostSubject: Class Session: Learning About Myself   Class Session: Learning About Myself Icon_minitime1September 3rd 2009, 10:10 am

*Sibs and tear mader their way to the classroom where she sat down at a desk, she didnt think that this would actually have to be a class! She hated school for one, despite the fact that she was a really intelligent kid. She hated being at a disadvantage because she knew absolutely nothing about soul energy and therefore she was put at a great disadvantage that others like her. She needed to learn all she could, so she kicked up her feet on the desk and listened aptly*
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Class Session: Learning About Myself Empty
PostSubject: Re: Class Session: Learning About Myself   Class Session: Learning About Myself Icon_minitime1September 3rd 2009, 10:38 am

Shibusen was set up like a college university, and as such, the classrooms were quite large, even though this was a private session. "I would advise you to sit in the front row. There is no one else here, and how exactly will you hear me in the back?" He extended his hand, not to her, but just out in general, showing that she could come up "Or... You could come a little closer to the teacher? It would make the job that much easier."
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Kekkei Genkai : Plasma Construction/Manipulation

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Class Session: Learning About Myself Empty
PostSubject: Re: Class Session: Learning About Myself   Class Session: Learning About Myself Icon_minitime1September 3rd 2009, 10:42 am

*Siblyx nodded in agreement and flipped forward landing in the first rows of chairs... she then smiled*

So, I kinda figured I was the ultimate dumbass for this... but I no I can manipulate plasma and stuff like that. But I have no clue why I can become a gun, a whip and a plasma-sword. It creeps me out..

*As sibls spoke, her body parts alternated such transformations, transforming her hands in to plasma swords, her arms into cannons and she manifested a whip out of her arm*
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Class Session: Learning About Myself Empty
PostSubject: Re: Class Session: Learning About Myself   Class Session: Learning About Myself Icon_minitime1September 3rd 2009, 10:54 am

Tear laughed a bit "It is because you have the blood of a weapon within you... Your parents could have been weapons, your ancestors could have been, or you could have been turned into one by someone else... But regardless, being a weapon, you naturally have a great access to Soul Energy as well as wavelength... Greater than you would with a technician, even though you cannot achieve Soul Resonance and cannot combine your power with the power of others..." He turned around "except under special conditions... such as... the Chain Resonance..." He faced her once more, giving his nonchalant smile "But we must take this one step at a time, mustn't we?" He cleared his throat and began to speak "... We must first learn about Soul Energy, since Soul Wavelength and Soul Abilities are more difficult to master and a bit less necessary at times..." Some liquid began to swirl around his feet, calmly rising up around him "Do you see this? This is what my Soul Energy looks like, simply because I will it and it is taking after what my soul is, the Crying Soul, and as such... My soul energy is liquid-like in most cases.. But do not be fooled. Soul Energy is not liquid, or any sort of element. It is formless. Elementless. Though it has the ability to take the shape of just about everything and take on its properties, it does not particularly become such a thing. It is the energy that comes directly from your soul. Now, if you have gotten that all down, I will teach you how to access the Soul Energy from within yourself... You may come up at any time when you are ready." He took a few steps back and waited.
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Class Session: Learning About Myself Empty
PostSubject: Re: Class Session: Learning About Myself   Class Session: Learning About Myself Icon_minitime1September 3rd 2009, 11:05 am

*Sibs took all of this in, it make an awful lot of sense... a manifestation of oneself should be able to take on whatever form the user chooses. Her mind began to race as she smiled, the possibillities were endless but she had to try it for herself. She knew that she was awfuly strong as she was... but she mastered this power that Tear spoke of? She could be even better, so she immedeately hoped out of her seat upon tear finishing his last words and stood at the ready*

I want to learn...

*She said consicely, she was determined as she moved her hair from in front of her eyes*
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PostSubject: Re: Class Session: Learning About Myself   Class Session: Learning About Myself Icon_minitime1September 3rd 2009, 12:18 pm

Tear's face gleamed, yet at the same time did not change "Hmhmhm... Just as I expected... Alright then. Time to begin." He held his hand to his chest "You must first focus deeply on yourself. Your identity. Your being. What makes up you... Otherwise, your soul. Once you find the center of your power, your soul, you must delve into it and unleash the power that lies dormant within... It will ride along your wavelength and out of your body in the form of energy. Your wavelength pulsates throughout your body at all times, so try not to think much about that right now... Just your soul energy. As I said before, it should come out in a form that is most like you and your soul... Just as mine mostly comes out flowing like a liquid, able to be gentle and calm, or terrorizing and rampant... Let it flow out of you.... And let it take shape."
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Posts : 288
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PostSubject: Re: Class Session: Learning About Myself   Class Session: Learning About Myself Icon_minitime1September 3rd 2009, 2:15 pm

Thats most like me? So it's your personality, in essence...
*Sibs thought about this... she knew as a kid that she was a short tempered individual and like always she got frustrated, she turned to the empty desks and stomped her foot a couple times, and the desks chairs and everything broke a part it left the rest of the classroom rather destroyed. She was schoked that her soul flowed out through her frustration, this "frustration soul" capable of destorying things from the inside out suprised her, she then turned aruond to tear with a look of utter embarassment on her face*

Um... I have a short temper

*she shruged... she was truly sorry and had a feeling tear would be quite angry, she couldnt control this power yet and it would take so much work*
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Class Session: Learning About Myself Empty
PostSubject: Re: Class Session: Learning About Myself   Class Session: Learning About Myself Icon_minitime1September 3rd 2009, 8:12 pm

Tear, naturally bracing himself and protecting himself, had his eyes closed "Hahaha. It is not a problem. Many people have destructive souls..." He opened his eyes halfway, his eyes seeming to gleam like the ocean "It's just a matter of calming it down... The violence of the seas is the same violence and frustration of your soul... But if you do not learn how to control it, you will not only loose too much soul energy and be drained, but perhaps even destroy yourself through your soul outward... But that has to do with your wavelength. We will get to that momentarily...First... a matter of control. Material items can be replaced..." He brushed himself off "... Though, I really wonder how Shinigami-sama does it so fast..." He adjusted his jacket, which somehow flowed like Seto Kaiba, even though it was so short and only went to his waist. It was magical! "So. Try it again. This time... Feel the frustration coming from your soul... Yet learn how to focus it and condense it... Do not worry about the room, as I have said... Nor me. I have ways of protecting myself..."
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Posts : 288
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Village of Residence : Dusk Village
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Cool Points (LOL) : 2
Kekkei Genkai : Plasma Construction/Manipulation

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Class Session: Learning About Myself Empty
PostSubject: Re: Class Session: Learning About Myself   Class Session: Learning About Myself Icon_minitime1September 3rd 2009, 8:21 pm

*Sibs nodded, she wanted to control this power... but she wondered what physical manifestation her 'frustration soul' would bring about. She decided to give it a shot, sooner or later she got pissed off but she caught herself before preforming any action that would effortlessly realease her soul energy. Instead she focused her anger which caused her to glow, after looking into herself she manifested her soul energy a white glowy ball of gas that resembled a star that managed to crackle every now and then, she then appeared in front of a podium and placed this soul energy on the podium, the podium would then explode accordingly like the rows of desks did but this explosion was a lot more controled since it was due to her soul energy rather than a random blast then last time. She then turned around to tear for approval, she thinks she did it right*
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Class Session: Learning About Myself Empty
PostSubject: Re: Class Session: Learning About Myself   Class Session: Learning About Myself Icon_minitime1September 3rd 2009, 8:55 pm

Tear nodded "Yes. That is correct. Now, you have learned the basics of Soul Energy. Remember, if you wish to learn more, you can always come to me or any sort of Death Scythe, or even Shinigami-sama himself, if he isn't busy... Or you can train yourself. It is your own energy." Tear walked closer to her once again "This time... We must focus on your Soul Wavelength. I am not sure if you are capable of learning Soul Abilities, such as the Soul Perception or Soul Feedback, due to your current level... Things such as that usually come with time. You would have to learn to focus on the souls of others, but that is an advanced ability..." Tear closed his eyes, once again placing his hand on his chest "Now... The Wavelength. Naturally, some are better at learning the Soul Wavelength than other... Or rather, better at controlling it. As I said before, your wavelength surges throughout your body constantly. There are some people with some abilities to condense and concentrate their wavelengths into certain parts of their bodies, such as with the Soul Force or Soul Purge, where it is normally excreted through a bodypart in a force similar to an electrical current, which is always explosive when it makes contact with anything... Or perhaps someone may attempt to overpower ones soul, and that can only happen if your wavelength is larger than the others, or indeed more powerful. This is what would be done by Khrona-sama. His wavelength is quite overpowering, the only souls he cannot fully overcome being Maze-sama's and Shinigami-sama's. There are also wavelengths which can bend and can fluctuate to fit the situation, such as mine... Mine is flexible, like liquid, meaning that if someone tried to shoot their wavelength into me or repulse mine, it would have no effect, since I can instantly match it and nullify its effects, since a wavelength is either an overpowering or repulsive force. Repulsive being Soul Force. Overpowering being any ability involving overcoming the souls of others... Perhaps the Soul Possession... Which was only available to very few... Those few being quite dastardly... And flexibility." Tear slapped his own head lightly "Ah, but here I am rambling on... All you have to do is concentrate on the force coming from your soul. Not the energy, but the force... it flows through your body. Concentrate on it and hopefully let it flow through a bodypart. You may test on me, as wavelength effects have no effect on me..."
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Posts : 288
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Kekkei Genkai : Plasma Construction/Manipulation

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Class Session: Learning About Myself Empty
PostSubject: Re: Class Session: Learning About Myself   Class Session: Learning About Myself Icon_minitime1September 3rd 2009, 9:47 pm

*Sibs thoght as tear spoke about various soul abillities that nothing was too advanced for her at this point she decided to give a more advanced technique a try. She figured that from a simple tap of her foot that her energy was expansive and that it shouldnt be too hard to figure some of this stuff out. She thought about this soul perception and how Tear must have used it to figure out that she was a weapon, she then thought that it was similar to how she could analyze the various molecular makeups of things to tell what they were without even looking at them. She took into account what Tear was saying and gathered soul energy, she was going to test out this soul perception bit despite tear's assertion that it could be 'too advanced' it was worth a try.*

Here I go...

*After a couple minutes of gathering soul energy Sibs let the energy flow through her body along the wavelength, she thought it was a kind of pathway like the circulatory system and her soul energy was the blood. Eventually she had the basics of soul wavelength, and it felt rather nicely. She flicked her wrist forward towards the clump of battered desks and such and it shot out of her like a force destroying the things even more, but now she tried this soul perception... she closed her eyes again and concentrated on Tear, she began to strain because she had just learned about her own wavelength it was difficult for her to try and interprety someone elses, she sweated a little bit and over time she opened her eyes again and she gasped, she had delved into Tear's soul and realized that the soul of Tear's was ironicly that of actualy tears, he was a weapon too like her... she didnt know what to think as she took a couple steps back in shock, although Tear had good intentions Sibs didnt know that deep down inside Tear had the abillity to be a rampaging individual. Sibs was sweating her ass off and walked back towards tear, hopefuly Tear doesnt have the abillity to tell when his soul is being perceived or she could be in trouble*
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PostSubject: Re: Class Session: Learning About Myself   Class Session: Learning About Myself Icon_minitime1September 4th 2009, 4:02 am

Tear kept his straight face, keeping a close eye on Sibs. "Alright. It seems as though you have learned to control your wavelength as well. You are progressing quite quickly, I must say. You will make a wonderful Death Scythe in time..." Tear then took note of... her facial expression changing. His smile wore off, turning into a stern face, yet his eyes were unchanging, slightly opened and gleaming like the reflection of light in water "Hm. So you saw it, hm? My flowing soul... my Crying Soul..." Suddenly, Tear's soul began to swell. The image of his soul would be seen outside of his body, quite large and happening to swirl about a large amount of energy... And it was indeed tear shaped. ".. It is never hard to tell when someone learns the Soul Perception ability on their own..." Tear's nonchalant smile returned and he closed his eyes "... All of you make the same face when you see a large soul!" He chuckled a bit to himself "Ah, but it seems you have learned all of the basic skills quite well. Now all that is left is to put them into action and see how well they work, hm?"
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Class Session: Learning About Myself Empty
PostSubject: Re: Class Session: Learning About Myself   Class Session: Learning About Myself Icon_minitime1September 4th 2009, 10:13 am

*Sibs nodded in agreement, she then thought about how Tear was unaffected by Soul targted abillities like purge and such because his took the form of a liquid and was able to adapt to any situation. Perhaps-since hers took the form of a gas like a star- it could possibly avoid those type of attacks in a similar fashion, there was only one way to find out. After this she was going to go ask tear how she would go about becoming a deathscythe*

You're right... thank you Tear for everything.

*She pressed her hand to her heart, attempting to make her soul visible like tears... she let her soul energy ride her wavelength out of her body and eventually it manifested into a bright ball of gas like a star around her, it was an amazing sight to behold*
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Class Session: Learning About Myself Empty
PostSubject: Re: Class Session: Learning About Myself   Class Session: Learning About Myself Icon_minitime1September 4th 2009, 11:10 am

Tear could indeed see it, and still all he did was smile "A gorgeous soul from a gorgeous girl. Now.. If there is anything else you wish, I may be able to help you. All you need to do is ask me. I will always be around Shibusen... For you, I might add." Soul energy suddenly began to flare up around his body. His entire began to glow as well... He was about to get out of here using a special ability only known to him... Soul Transmission.
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Class Session: Learning About Myself Empty
PostSubject: Re: Class Session: Learning About Myself   Class Session: Learning About Myself Icon_minitime1September 4th 2009, 11:23 am

*Sibs smilied, and decided to ask tear what a deathscythe was... her and shinigami were throwing around that word an awful lot, and if she had to become one she might as well have asked what one was*


*she screamed putting her arm on tears shoulder to prevent him from leaving at the moment*

Whats a deathscythe?
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Class Session: Learning About Myself Empty
PostSubject: Re: Class Session: Learning About Myself   Class Session: Learning About Myself Icon_minitime1September 4th 2009, 11:43 am

She was lucky she caught Tear when she did, before he converted himself into his own wavelength and soul energy. He ceased, the glowing and energy falling to nothingness "Hm? Oh... Right... Where is my head...? The Death Scythes. What all weapons strive to become while at Shibusen. You must collect 99 tainted souls and 1 witch soul to become a Death Scythe. A Death Scythe is a weapon with much more powerful capabilities and a wider variety of abilities than a normal weapon, and can amplify their own and others' wavelengths to a much greater proportion. Once you have become a Death Scythe, the magic from the witch's soul that you have ingested and absorbed will allow you to do things, such as... Let us say... If your soul was that of the very rare Grigori. If your soul was a Grigori soul, you would attain the ability to fly simply by focusing your own wavelength to form wings of your own soul outside of your body. Or, let us take into account, my own soul... I can breathe within liquids just fine, as well as possess the ability to walk on and through water without resistance. Also, you saw the very large amount of Soul Energy I released when we fought? No normal weapon can release that much at one time. Only a Death Scythe. Also, Shinigami may use a Death Scythe when the time comes for battle... Though usually, he chooses the ones that are actual scythes, but I have seen him with a crossbow rifle weapon before..." Tear paused for a moment "... Hm... Oh. A very important fact... Do NOT under any circumstances mess up the final soul being a witch's soul. The 100th soul MUST be that of a witch, or else you will have to start all over from soul 1. Make sure you know what you are doing." Tear stopped once again, staring at her "... Now, I shall ask... Is there anything else you wish to know before I take my leave?"
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Posts : 288
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Kekkei Genkai : Plasma Construction/Manipulation

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Class Session: Learning About Myself Empty
PostSubject: Re: Class Session: Learning About Myself   Class Session: Learning About Myself Icon_minitime1September 4th 2009, 11:54 am

Nope... thats all I wanted. Being a deathscythe suonds rather awesome... thanks again.
*She let tear's shoulder go so that he may do as he would, she had to go train and hone her skills so that she could hopefuly best him the next time they crossed paths. She backed up a bit and bowed and exited out of the door. Her 'frustration soul' needed fine tuning... there has to be more to it than destruction*
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Class Session: Learning About Myself Empty
PostSubject: Re: Class Session: Learning About Myself   Class Session: Learning About Myself Icon_minitime1September 4th 2009, 12:02 pm

Tear shook his head, laughing "Ah, that girl... What a wonder to behold... Now. To business." His energy would flare up again as he began to glow, keeping his nonchalant smile, he converted into his wavelength and soul energy, shooting off somewhere unknown.
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