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Tymonland, The Veritas (Dusk)
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 Domo's Touching Tale

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Posts : 716
Age : 34
Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
Join date : 2009-05-03
Cool Points (LOL) : 4
Kekkei Genkai : -Aura Split-|-Aura Merge-

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Domo's Touching Tale Empty
PostSubject: Domo's Touching Tale   Domo's Touching Tale Icon_minitime1May 9th 2009, 9:18 pm

Name: Domo
Sex: Male
Age: 16
Race: Human
Class: Aura Master/Shinobi
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 133lbs
Personality: Domo usually is care free and easy to get along with, extremely intellegent and a quick thinker, however, that is only a facade. He usually puts his real emotions at rest and if angered he will show some of his true personality. In addition, Domo swears whenever possible if annoyed or angered.
Clan: None
Village: Village of the Depths
Kekkei Genkai: Aura Split

Abandoned as a child at the age of four or five, I have no recollection of my past memories besides the ones I see in my dreams. I do not know if these are memories of my past or what is to come of the future. In these terrifying dreams, I saw nothing but slaughtering, raiding, and raping, I believe this used to be my old village, in front of a little boy which resembles me surrounded by huts set ablaze by the raiders. Only brief flashes of a bloodied woman's face smiling, but I see it in her eyes she was terrified and in pain of something. The dreams have stopped ever since I have learned to control and suppress my emotions.

>Back to the Story<
I awoken in a dusty hut, as the sunlight was let in through the entrance I shield my eyes from the blinding rays to determine who this mysterious person was. As my eyes got adjusted, what I found was not a raider sent to finish me off but an old hermit in his place. The old hermit gestured me outside, obediently I followed him into warmth of the sun, this is where I remembered how to smile.

The hermit told me that he found me passed out on the road nearly dieing of dehydration. Grateful, I began to stick close to the hermit never leaving his side, however, nothing lasts forever. When I turned six the hermit invited me to join him in his daily training, out of curiosity I agreed knowing of what was in store for me. The old hermit in reality was not a hermit instead he was a wise sage and quite a fighter.

My training began right away, learning different martial arts as well as listening to the voice of nature. As years passed my understanding of nature grew strong and stronger as I meditated near a crystal clear stream. My physic was also improved from a frail little boy to something any woman would fall heads over heels for. But, on my fifteenth birth I had an ominous premonition, so I decided to end training earlier and head back to whom I called a father now. Urgently I rushed towards the hut only to see flames burning the hut including the trees and plants in the area. I spotted my father impaled to the trunk of a tree, he only looked at me and smiled as he gave his last breath. Something unworldly did this to him, this was nothing raiders could have done.

With my spirit broken I wandered into to forest to the clear stream only to notice my bloody face where my father last touched me. I washed my face with the water from the stream, I thought this stream is no longer clear and pure as my heart when the blood defiled the stream and became murky with the blood. This is when a seed of hatred infested my heart as well as the blooming of my powers, I screamed in agony as I recalled the lost of my father. As I let out the deafening howl of pain the calm wind became violent and distorted. Next my arms and chest glowed brightly, then bursting into flames as it covered my entire body. Scared of what was happening to me, I wished to be cast myself into the darkness never expecting that the wish would be granted.

As dawn broke, I thought that everything last night just a dream until i saw my body in the steam, what was in place of my body was a distorted blur of never ending darkness. Horrified that everything that night was a reality I mourned and swore to hunt down who or what killed my father. This when I also began to put on a facade to hide my real emotions.

Over the course of the year I began to develop a brief understanding of my powers of my chosen elements of wind, fire, and oddly enough darkness. This is when I found myself face to face with Rion, my current master, in a ranking exam. I was beaten at every turn, technique, and comment I made, which angered me greatly at my own helplessness. Hoping that Rion would be able to help me find out my true powers I set out to become his apprentice. Laying out the first step into finding the killer of my father.
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