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 The Tale of the 4th Rhythmist

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The Tale of the 4th Rhythmist Empty
PostSubject: The Tale of the 4th Rhythmist   The Tale of the 4th Rhythmist Icon_minitime1May 10th 2009, 4:58 pm

I was born some many thousands of years ago. When I was born a pick materialized above me and then it was clear that I would become the next Rhythmist.

I grew up in fear because of the stories I had heard about the rhythmists of the past. It seems that to become a rhythmist you must kill the previous one. The fact that I was born and given the pick only meant that I was best suited for the position of Rhythmist, however it did not guarantee my position. As I lived I had to travel from place to place so that I could live. people hunted me and my family day and night seeking the Cursed Title of "Rhythmist". Finally when I had turned 15 I decided stop traveling with my family, I did not want them to be in danger because of me. I chose to seek out the current Rhythmist on my own and kill him so that I could gain the power to stop those greedy humans from tormenting me and my family.

When I found the rhythmist he was old and fragile yet defeating himproved difficult. He fought with every intention of killing me and finally over time it happend...I awakened. Rhythm came to me just before the 3rd Rhythmist killed me. I took Rhtyhm in my hands and a song began to flow through my head. I played the song and killed the old man. It was obvious that he had given up but I didn't care, I now had the power of the Rhythmist, I might as well have been a god, I set out to find my family again only to find that they had been killed by a greedy king that was searching for me. Infuriated I slaughtered each and ever person in his vast kingdom then I wiped each and every one of his cities off the face of the earth.

After that I vowed to never forgive the so called humans that had hunted me relentlessly and even killed my family for their own greedy reasons.

I traveled from town to town "cleansing" the world for thousands of years killing would be rhythmist after would be rhythmist. I refused to give up the title until I had made the world pay for what it had done to the only people I cared about. Then I finally found Dias. She was to be the next Rhythmist (about the 7th, she was a chosen one like me) but she was just an orphan living through the same situation as me I altered time and reality and caused her to feel a sense of love and affection for me, together we would bring this world to the brink of destruction again and again just to satisfy our hatred towards the people that tormented us..the people that are "normal"..the humans that we can never forgive.

Here is a pic of Rion that I drew for visual reference.
The Tale of the 4th Rhythmist Rion3

((Once I'm at a scanner I'll post the cleaner version that has more shading and errors corrected))
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Posts : 263
Village of Residence : Abandoned
Join date : 2009-04-30
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Kekkei Genkai : Poison Manipulation, and Fire Manipulation

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The Tale of the 4th Rhythmist Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Tale of the 4th Rhythmist   The Tale of the 4th Rhythmist Icon_minitime1May 10th 2009, 5:04 pm

yeah the face is a little 'EW' XD
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The Tale of the 4th Rhythmist Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Tale of the 4th Rhythmist   The Tale of the 4th Rhythmist Icon_minitime1May 10th 2009, 5:10 pm

yeah, by that time i was lazy, but whatever I fixed it up more so once I scan that one it'll be better
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Posts : 263
Village of Residence : Abandoned
Join date : 2009-04-30
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Kekkei Genkai : Poison Manipulation, and Fire Manipulation

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The Tale of the 4th Rhythmist Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Tale of the 4th Rhythmist   The Tale of the 4th Rhythmist Icon_minitime1May 10th 2009, 5:16 pm

the only thing I like are the shoes XD
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PostSubject: Re: The Tale of the 4th Rhythmist   The Tale of the 4th Rhythmist Icon_minitime1

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