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 The Tale Of Ranryu Bakuhatsu

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Ranryû Bakuhatsu
Spirit Level Member
Spirit Level Member
Ranryû Bakuhatsu

Posts : 10
Village of Residence : Versuctia
Join date : 2009-05-05
Cool Points (LOL) : 0
Hobbies / Interests : Eplosions
Kekkei Genkai : Taihou Hibana

The Tale Of Ranryu Bakuhatsu Empty
PostSubject: The Tale Of Ranryu Bakuhatsu   The Tale Of Ranryu Bakuhatsu Icon_minitime1May 5th 2009, 3:32 pm

Name: Ranryû Bakuhatsu
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Mental Problem: Pyromaniac
Obsessions: Flames (Duh), Explosions, Chocolate Chip Cookies >.<
Weapons: Her sword; Allumage, Dynamite sticks, Grenades, Mine bombs, Cannon balls, Smoke bombs
Kekkai Genkai: Taihou Hibana. The Bakuhatsu kekkai genkai was created as a result from using fire jutsu and the high sulfur and iron levels Bakuhatsu’s have in their bodies. The Kekkai Genkai can detect heat sources anywhere. It can also cause explosions with ranged power by simply making a hand gun with one hand and going; ‘Bang!’.
Bio: Ranryû was raised in the shady parts of a large ninja village called Zanxs. Her family was very poor and deeply in debt to Don White of the mafia. (Ninja have mafia too! >.<) Ranryû hardly ate a good cold meal. Heck, she had never had a hot meal in her life. 80% of the time, she and her family went with no food at all. Their single roomed hell-hole’s only lighting was a highly flammable candle. A sufferer of insomnia, all Ranryû did through the late hours of night and the early hours of morning was stare at the flames in wander and amazement. After many years of the same routine, a 13 year old Ranryû finally felt compelled to reach out and touch the flame. Never have attend a school of any sorts, she had no idea flames burned you. Boldly sticking her hand into the small flame, Ranryû jerked her hand back in shock and surprise as she received her first burn. But the burn did not make her shy away from this action. The pain she received had intrigued her even more. Night after night, she continued the same routine. One night, she accidently knocked over her beloved candle. The candle started to set fire to the place she lived. Running outside as the flames multiplied, Ranryû sat down in front of her house and watched as the flames burned her house to the ground with her unaware parents still inside. As a few mafia members came to collect the month’s payment the following morning, all they found was Ranryû, sitting cross-legged in front of a large pile of ashes, gazing oddly at nothing. Guessing what had happened, the members summarized that there was no payment this month, so they knocked out the dazed Ranryû and brought her to the don instead. When Ranryû awoke, she was bonded in rope in front of Don White. “Untie her” he ordered. Ranryû bonds where untied. “Stand up, girl” Don White commanded a sneer upon his face. Obeying, Ranryû stood up and faced the Don, no traces of fear on her face. “Who’re you?” he snorted, scrunching up his face as he took a puff on his cigar. “Ranryû Bakuhatsu” Ranryû replied nonchalantly. The Don raised an eyebrow. “A Bakuhatsu, eh? So what happened to your folks? They run away and leave you with their debt?” Ranryû tilted her head to the side, bringing back the images of the previous night. “I….I killed them, I suppose…” she stated, gazing at the Don, her stare blank and devoid of emotion. The Don blinked. “Oh really? Well, their debt is now yours, Ranryû”. Ranryû looked at the Don questiongly. “I don’t know how to make money”. “Steal, then”. “Don’t know how”. The Don paused, looking at Ranryû oddly. “Well, Ranryû, what DO you know?” Ranryû scratched her chin in thought. “…Fire, I guess…” she replied at last. The Don chuckled. “Well, you a bomber then? You like explosions?” Ranryû blinked. “…Explosions?” “Explosions. Big booms. Giant things of mass destruction. Big fiery balls of death. You know?” The Don said, doing his best to explain. Ranryû smiled. “I….I think I like explosions…” The Don grinned, taking a drag on his cigar. “I see. I think I can put you to work, then….”

4 years later, Ranryû Bakuhatsu was one of the most feared ninja in Zanxs. The Don had his best jutsu users to teach her fire jutsu. They discovered and unleashed 30% of her Kekkai Genkai. She was taught how to use a range of weapons, from daggers to Bazookas. And on her seventeenth birthday, she received an unexpected gift from The Don. Her sword, Allumage. When Ranryû unwrapped the gift, her face reflected her shock. “W-what? Don? Are you sure this is for me?” The Don nodded. “Yup, kiddo. It’s all yours”. Ranryû started at the sword, befuddled. “Oh, and I need you to do something else for me, Ranryû…” The Don told her. “What?” Ranryû questioned. “I want you to take my gift, Allumage, and any and all weapons you can carry…” Ranryû nodded. It must be another mission. “And I want you to leave Zanxs. Go pack. Now”. Ranryû blinked. “What?” The Don sighed. “Ranryû, you have fulfilled your parent’s debt. Now leave”. “But the mafia is all I know!” Ranryû complained. The Don let out a sigh. She was ticking him off now. “Exactly. You have lived your miserable life in Zanxs. So now that you are strong, now that you have fulfilled your debt, I want you to leave. Find yourself a village where you’ll lead a better life. Make yourself a highly feared and revered ninja. And if you succeed in doing that, I suppose you can come back ‘n visit me. But for now, get out there. Go see the world. Make me proud, girl”. Ranryû nodded, taking it all in. “Oh…Okay. I’ll…I’ll go pack…” Ranryû said, dashing off. Don White smiled as she left. “Make me proud, Ranryû”.

A few months after her departure, Ranryû discovered the Nightmare. Liking the looks of things, she decided she would stay there. Now her life in the Nightmare begins…

-Year Later-

Ranryu has still yet to allign herself with a new village after the Nitemare, and probably won't, though she is loyal to the alliance.
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