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 Imporving My Skills (With Domo)

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Posts : 716
Age : 34
Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
Join date : 2009-05-03
Cool Points (LOL) : 4
Kekkei Genkai : -Aura Split-|-Aura Merge-

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Imporving My Skills (With Domo) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Imporving My Skills (With Domo)   Imporving My Skills (With Domo) - Page 3 Icon_minitime1September 7th 2009, 12:54 am

((Woops my bad xD))

"Variation and an attack from all sides is more preferable otherwise it can easily be destroyed."

*The downpour increased to the point where the are flooding would be possible and because of the increased amount of water the magma rapidly cooled turning into solid rock. Moments later bolts of lightning struck down and destroyed the ball of solid rock, sending rubble everywhere. As for the wave of magma, the water that filled the land seemed to come to life and encased itself around the wall of magma turning it into rock as well. And combined with the high powered winds and water erosion at an increased rate would soon tear down the wave into nothing in seconds. Soon the area would be blanketed in a darkness that would even rival the void of that shrouded Tartrus.*

"You're fighting against the very forces of nature itself. So I would advise you to come up with better tricks than this."
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Rokku Genkotsu
Spectre Level Member
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Rokku Genkotsu

Posts : 235
Village of Residence : Drifting
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Kekkei Genkai : Seismic Eye

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Imporving My Skills (With Domo) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Imporving My Skills (With Domo)   Imporving My Skills (With Domo) - Page 3 Icon_minitime1September 7th 2009, 1:06 am

"Then I will."
*My hands would begin to surge in a twister of fire that would begin to flow around my body. I would then thrust both of my hands forward and then fire would shoot from both of my hands and rocket toward Domo. As it shoot from my hand the large wave of flames would mix with the falling rain and become a massive wave of boiling hot steam (the same heat as magma). I would use my fire control to make the stem continue to move toward Domo, the steam would then form into a large dragon as it moved closer.*

Imporving My Skills (With Domo) - Page 3 0713
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Posts : 716
Age : 34
Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
Join date : 2009-05-03
Cool Points (LOL) : 4
Kekkei Genkai : -Aura Split-|-Aura Merge-

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Imporving My Skills (With Domo) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Imporving My Skills (With Domo)   Imporving My Skills (With Domo) - Page 3 Icon_minitime1September 7th 2009, 10:23 pm

*The steam's high temperature would soon lower itself to a moderate summer breeze due to rapid cooling effect from the tempest winds; however, it taking no major risks of a hidden attack the dragon of gas was split in half before erupting at it's core to leave a giant hole as it harmlessly pass around me. But in case something did show itself from the now eradicated steam dragon it would be harmless removed from a barrier of wind that has it's own unique purposes. With the darkness creeping over gradually the area was only moments from being wrapped in perpetual darkness.*

"Don't patronize me, kid. Something like this is bound to be rid of in a whim. A more appropriate action would've been evaporating the water with the magma as well as turning the flooded area into solid rock. One more chance before I make my move."
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Rokku Genkotsu
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Rokku Genkotsu

Posts : 235
Village of Residence : Drifting
Join date : 2009-07-27
Cool Points (LOL) : 1
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Kekkei Genkai : Seismic Eye

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Imporving My Skills (With Domo) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Imporving My Skills (With Domo)   Imporving My Skills (With Domo) - Page 3 Icon_minitime1September 10th 2009, 9:54 pm

*After hearing what Domo said the flames around me would then begin to die down to 2 small flames on each shoulder. I would then create a hand sign and a massive amount of earth would be pulled from the ground and then float around me. I would then thrust my hands out ward and the earth would start to fly everywhere. Although not a single once of earth would touch Domo, instead the earth would fall in the flooded area of the battle field and would being to mix with the water creating mud. I would then slam my hands onto the ground and then a giant wave of mud would then rise up and begin to come crashing down toward Domo from all sides. The pouring rain would also only add to the size of the mud moving toward Domo. Also at the same time I would use Earth Element; Moving Land River causing mud to form under Domo trying to hold him in place or slow down his movements.*
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Posts : 716
Age : 34
Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
Join date : 2009-05-03
Cool Points (LOL) : 4
Kekkei Genkai : -Aura Split-|-Aura Merge-

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Imporving My Skills (With Domo) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Imporving My Skills (With Domo)   Imporving My Skills (With Domo) - Page 3 Icon_minitime1September 10th 2009, 10:08 pm

*The barrier of wind refused that to be true by rejecting the mud from ever breaching the one meter radius of the barrier by the strong everlasting currents that protected me and effectively diffusing the mud elsewhere. Of course this would also be proven as the mud tried to enter the barrier but found it's attempts futile as the barrier held they tsunami of mud back effortlessly. In a few moments the mud began to freeze as liquid nitrogen rapidly spread it's malicious net throughout the water. Seconds later the now frozen mud exploded, sending out rubble of frozen mud thorughout the area with extreme velocities and of course if hit it would prove damaging in every single possibility. Revealing myself at the center of the eruption of mud unharmed and quite serious.*

"That was your last chance boy. Be prepared."

*The darkness now blanketed the area and as it consumed any sort of light that tried to make it pass it's treacherous grip. Slowly waiting for whatever may happened as deadly nature continued to wreak havoc around the area. Bolts of lighting shot randomly from the sky, landing deadly close and on Rokku's position, as the amount of rain increased in pressure that would feel like dropping wreaking balls at a great height in a smaller form, and the wind threatened to cut his very flesh.*
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Rokku Genkotsu
Spectre Level Member
Spectre Level Member
Rokku Genkotsu

Posts : 235
Village of Residence : Drifting
Join date : 2009-07-27
Cool Points (LOL) : 1
Hobbies / Interests : Do you really care!?
Kekkei Genkai : Seismic Eye

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Imporving My Skills (With Domo) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Imporving My Skills (With Domo)   Imporving My Skills (With Domo) - Page 3 Icon_minitime1September 21st 2009, 11:38 pm

*As the lighting strikes near me I would draw my two blades Shougeki and Shuuha. One blade would absorb the lighting into the metal section of the blade (the hilt being made of wood blocking the lighting from entering my body) with the use of my heat control (lighting having heat based energy). I would then transfer half of the power of the lighting into my other blade to control the flow of power. I would then slash both of the blades forward toward Domo's locations sending two large waves of lighting toward him. As the water began to fall the flame around my arms would flare up and block the rain evaporating the water before it gets to close enough to cause any damage. As the rain began to increased in pressure my body would then begin to flare up and then create a large explosion of flames. When the flames die down my who body would be completely covered on fire to the point were my head was set a blazed. The would be a strong aura of heat surging around me blocking the water from the rain that came near me. Also as more lighting struck near my location the heat energy would seem to be drained from the lighting into my body causing the lighting to be over taken by the rain fall, discharging from the water, and disappear.*

(Visual on my appearance)
Imporving My Skills (With Domo) - Page 3 Df10
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Posts : 716
Age : 34
Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
Join date : 2009-05-03
Cool Points (LOL) : 4
Kekkei Genkai : -Aura Split-|-Aura Merge-

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Imporving My Skills (With Domo) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Imporving My Skills (With Domo)   Imporving My Skills (With Domo) - Page 3 Icon_minitime1September 22nd 2009, 10:30 pm

*Everything seemed to disappear in an instant in the perpetual darkness, engulfed in the sea of seemingly nothing. This of course included the small flashes of white light emitted from the bolts of lightning and the wave Rokku created that is before the shadows devoured the light. Enclosing Rokku in nothingness that robbed him of his sight while the winds, rain, and thunder from all directions would rob him of his hearing. Suddenly everything disappeared, the darkness to the ravaging forces of nature and instead everything seemed normal, except for the four orbs that hovered around Rokku and me several feet away before him. Each orb was about the size of a softball and contained a different color, respective each element that was condensed into it. These highly volatile condensed orbs were created from the surroundings that earlier threatened to wreak havoc upon the area. Each orb would obviously have a different effect and once touched would explode and release devastating amounts of damage on the unfortunate soul. The greenish orb that flickered with bolted with blue sparks would release hundreds and thousands of blades of wind laced with hundreds of thousands of amperes that would surround the opponent and cut his flesh to shreds as well as effectively shutting down the nervous system and burning the body into ashes. The deep brown orb would cause the person unlucky enough to befall to it's grasp seismic earthquakes upon his own body and would kill them in a matter of seconds. The blue orb would have enough pressure built up to cut through the strongest material known to any in picoseconds and it's large quantity would have no problem eradicating a single being. The pitch black orb would have two effects that would cause any to reel back in disgust: The first effect would have his own shadown bind him to the ground as it impaled him continuously while the secondary effect would rob the totality of his senses.*

"Your move Rokku. And before I forget one false step and all of these orbs will target you and track you for eternity."
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Rokku Genkotsu
Spectre Level Member
Spectre Level Member
Rokku Genkotsu

Posts : 235
Village of Residence : Drifting
Join date : 2009-07-27
Cool Points (LOL) : 1
Hobbies / Interests : Do you really care!?
Kekkei Genkai : Seismic Eye

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Imporving My Skills (With Domo) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Imporving My Skills (With Domo)   Imporving My Skills (With Domo) - Page 3 Icon_minitime1September 23rd 2009, 9:23 pm

*I would only stand there looking at the surrounding attacks. I would then look over at Domo as the flames around my body begin to die down until I was back to normal.*

"That's it I'm done no matter how I try I can't think of a way out of this situation."
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Posts : 716
Age : 34
Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
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Cool Points (LOL) : 4
Kekkei Genkai : -Aura Split-|-Aura Merge-

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Imporving My Skills (With Domo) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Imporving My Skills (With Domo)   Imporving My Skills (With Domo) - Page 3 Icon_minitime1September 25th 2009, 6:22 pm

"Looks like you didn't really grasp the concept of using your surroundings."

*With a snap the orbs dissipated into the breeze that seemed to wash away any fatigue.*

"What you should've done was burrow beneath the ground and come up behind me. That way you could've had a chance of making my own attacks hit me. Of course I wouldn't have been that foolish but an attempt I would've seen most useful. Anyways how was the training? I don't really see myself as a teacher."

*Letting a small chuckle escape my lips as I stretched from the tense muscles nagging at my body.*
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Rokku Genkotsu
Spectre Level Member
Spectre Level Member
Rokku Genkotsu

Posts : 235
Village of Residence : Drifting
Join date : 2009-07-27
Cool Points (LOL) : 1
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Kekkei Genkai : Seismic Eye

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Imporving My Skills (With Domo) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Imporving My Skills (With Domo)   Imporving My Skills (With Domo) - Page 3 Icon_minitime1September 25th 2009, 6:34 pm

*I would fall to the ground and then let out a quite sigh of relief to the fact I'm not dead.*

"Well lets see you corrected me on my mistakes and almost but didn't kill me so overall it was a real good training session."
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Posts : 716
Age : 34
Village of Residence : Village Lost in the Depths
Join date : 2009-05-03
Cool Points (LOL) : 4
Kekkei Genkai : -Aura Split-|-Aura Merge-

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Imporving My Skills (With Domo) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Imporving My Skills (With Domo)   Imporving My Skills (With Domo) - Page 3 Icon_minitime1September 25th 2009, 6:36 pm

*As sudden as the gust of wind came all that was left were my lingering words.*

"Eh, that's good for a future reference. Just be sure to be mind your surroundings."
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Rokku Genkotsu
Spectre Level Member
Spectre Level Member
Rokku Genkotsu

Posts : 235
Village of Residence : Drifting
Join date : 2009-07-27
Cool Points (LOL) : 1
Hobbies / Interests : Do you really care!?
Kekkei Genkai : Seismic Eye

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Imporving My Skills (With Domo) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Imporving My Skills (With Domo)   Imporving My Skills (With Domo) - Page 3 Icon_minitime1September 25th 2009, 6:38 pm

*I would stand and draw my blades from the ground and sheath them.*
"Looks like I still have a lot of training ahead of me."

*I would then turn and leave out of the area.*
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PostSubject: Re: Imporving My Skills (With Domo)   Imporving My Skills (With Domo) - Page 3 Icon_minitime1

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