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 Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death)

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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

Posts : 2063
Age : 32
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-04-28
Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death)   Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1May 12th 2009, 4:08 pm

Your not the only strong one you know. *he matches the slashes yet agin piviing on his foot to get behind kazz as he fire a blast of dark and whitle lightning from his hand. The recoil of the blast sent him backwards some *
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Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death)   Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1May 12th 2009, 10:01 pm

*As Akarui pivotted behind Kazz, Rose appeared in front of him pointing Scorn at him. From Scorn fired a concentrated beam of dark fire, which would make contact with Kazz at the same moment the white and black lightning would.*
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Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death)   Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 12:57 am

*Kazz would hold 2 of his 4 hands out, stopping both attacks with his sycthes.*

It will take much more--

*The fire sent by Rose melted his sycthe, causing his arm to get burned off. He quickly turned his body to dodge the remainder of the beam, and then he released the lightning from Akarui right towards Rose. This hand was burned some by grabbing the lightning. Kazz threw his 24 ton sycthe at Akarui, and while it was air borne, he manipulated the gravity around it, tripling it, making the force and speed increase.*

Damn it, shes the biggest threat here...no surprise though...

*The sycthe thrown at Akarui would explode once it reached his imediate area, which would spawn thousnads of threads of dark matter towards him, each one being over 500 pounds. Kazz grew a set of wings made from dark matter, and gave a powerful gust, creating a tsunami of dark matter, which began to ravage the field and everything on it.*
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

Posts : 2063
Age : 32
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-04-28
Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death)   Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1May 13th 2009, 3:54 pm

*Akarui goes ino a high speed versoin of flashbng as he add chakra to his feet makinles a streak of chakra in his wake, while circling around kazz he manages to dodge the the threads of energy as he goes into the air* Chaos Prism. *the streaks of chakra sprout up and lunge toward Kazz at an unbelivble speed at kazz while he fired shots of chaos energy at kazz*
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Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death)   Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1May 16th 2009, 10:39 am

*With epic tundra going on, the beams would hit the dark matter swirling around Kazz, being severely weakened, almost to the point of no damage.*

Ha, you'll really need to step up if you want to live.

*The tundra of dark matter quickly expanded outward, attempting to engulf Akarui and Rose.*
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Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death)   Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1May 22nd 2009, 12:10 am

*Using the little control of dark matter she possessed, she manipulated a portion of the epic tundra's dark matter and created a barier around Akarui and herself. "Damn it....he was never this strong before....does that mean he used to toy with me?" A hole opened up in her barrier, and from it a beam of plasma and black fire shot out towards Kazz. On the inside she was string up more chakra and fire energy.*
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Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death)   Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1May 22nd 2009, 12:19 am


*Swinging 3 of his sycthes towards the beam, he manages to knock it off course, sending it right for Fubuki and Kay-no. The sycthes then looked misshapened, but Kazz kept that evil grin on his face.*

Looks like you need more than dark matter flames to take me down. Your power pales in comparison to mine.

*Creating a massive chain in his hands out of orichalcum, he whips it at Rose. Once the chain nears Rose, it splits link by link, creating several thousand chain links to roam the field, and bolt at Rose from all over.*
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Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death)   Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1May 22nd 2009, 12:27 am

*The links would pierce the dark matter barrier around Rose, and from the small holes created by their piercings, a red light would begin to shine though. The barrier shattered, and a fiery looking Rose could be seen in her infernal Enma state. "Kazz, Kameel....Its time I showed you my true strength!" At speeds greater than that of the speed of light, she bolted around Kazz, leaving a solid trail of fire behind her. She then stopped on a dime one hundred feet above Kazz, and by clenching her fist, the trail of solid dark flames would be forced towards Kazz, wrapping him the flame wire. It would continue to pull until he was reduced to several evenly sliced pieces.*

{Visual Aid}
Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Anima_11
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Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death)   Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1May 22nd 2009, 12:31 am

*The flame wires were pretty strong, but still, no where near as strong as they should be. Onyx Eater molded right next to Kazz and engulfed him. It then turned to Rose and fired Kazz out like a cannon ball, only now the flame wire was gone, and Kazz was all black, seeming like only an outline. His claws were sharp, and eyes glew a bright yellow.*

Your Nothing compared to me!

*As he slashed his claw, a shockwave in the same shape was created, only hundreds of feet tall. This shock wave raced towards Rose from close range, it was unknown if she could block it or not.*
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Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death)   Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1May 22nd 2009, 12:38 am

*She held her hand towards the shock wave and twirled her finger around. A small circle of fire was created, and as the shockwave came past her, its energy was broken down and converted into heat, merging with the ring of fire, forcing it to grow drstically. She threw the ring into the air, and it would expand indefinitely, circling the entire field in a dome of dark flames. A crimson red energy was charging in her hands. "You talk too much...you should learn to-" She fired the ball of crimson energy at Kazz, but before it reached him, it exploded, creating a tornado of flames that touched the O-zone layer and reached down to the center of te earth. Kazz was in the eye of this tornado, but unlike regular ones, this tornado is hottest closer to the center, meaning Kazz would incenerate if he didn't act quick enough. Ripping open a rift in the atmosphere, she pulls out Reikyuu, which was in its cross form at the moment. She hel dit like a blade as she awaited Kazz's next move.*
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Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death)   Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1May 22nd 2009, 12:46 am

So....this is how it goes huh....

*The entire atmosphere began to rupture and distort, and the tornado of flames would die off quickly. On the inside revealed a transformed Kazz, with tentacles everywhere and a mask to cover his face.*

Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 21337511

I must show must show you the depth of your inferiority...Rose...

*Several tentacles drilled into the ground, and on impact the earth became a swamp of black matter, yes black matter. It was bubbling, and bubbles of black matter would float into the air, mainly around Kazz. They were filled with cosmic energy, and once Kazz snapped his fingers, they bolted around the field eccentricly. Whether Rose easily dodged them or not, once these cosmic bubbles popped, nuclear explosions would occur.*
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Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death)   Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1May 23rd 2009, 10:55 pm

"What the hell...!!!" She createda barrier of void fire around herself as she boted off into random directions, avoiding the Black Matter bubbles. She created an orb of darkmatter and forced it into her coffin, and once she did, Reikyuu began to pulaste with black electricity. "Inferior huh..." She spun the coffin around by the chain, creating a vortex by sheer force. The bubbles would be caught in it and sent skyward. Leaving the coffin there spinning itself, she fired a V shaped beam at Kazz and using chronokenesis, she would reply the beam over and over, creating hundreds of beam sthat came at Kazz at every angle.*
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Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death)   Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1May 24th 2009, 3:42 pm

*Kazz held out his hands, and a very light barrier formed around his body The V shaped beams would hit the barrier, and it would begin to crack.*
Shit....should have-
*The beams engulfed Kazz, and an atomic explosion is formed afterward. The smoke clears, and Kazz can be seen standing there, seemingly untouched, but his mask was horribly cracked. In shambles, it broke off hhis face, and the moment it did his power increased ten fold.*

Now Rose, you've forcefully brought out my otherstate, Kameel. This fight won't be much longer...
*He snapped his fingers and Onyx eater came to him and molded into Manevolent while Kameel summoned Consequence to his hand. He made two powerful thrusts, sending a tidal wave of dark matter to crash down on Akarui and Rose.*
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Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death)   Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1May 24th 2009, 3:54 pm

*She dashed towards Akarui, and once she grabbed him, she would create a dome of time energy around them. As the tidal wave crashed down on time dome, the dark matter touching it would be erased{not confused with destroy} frome existence. "Damn it, with those weapons getting closer to him will be that much harder..." With the dome still around them, she charged through the rest of the wave, right for Kameel. A small hole opened in the front of the dome, where Rose would poke her sword through, attempting to stab Kameel on Contact. He coudn't touch Rose like this due to the time dome.*
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Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death)   Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1May 24th 2009, 4:02 pm

*Kazz chuckled as the time dome containing Rose approached him. He took Consequence and slamed it into the dome, shattering it. Dark matter can manipulate time to a certain extent, so dark matter wouldn't be erased after simply touching time energy. He then took Manevolent as whipped it across Rose's stomach, aiming to shred her in half. A trail of dark matter came right after the slash.*

You shouldn't have left me Rose, you could have had it all. But now, you'll have nothing, and your life will be lost.
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

Posts : 2063
Age : 32
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-04-28
Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death)   Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1May 24th 2009, 4:12 pm

*Chronkinesis energy swarms over the are rewinding time to the point where the dome was shatered as I appear infront of kazz sadichic and zangetsu in hand pulseing with energy* Im glad she's away from you. She made a name for her self instead of folowing in her footsteps. Ban-Kai!! *the area flashes white as it a gust of wind flows knocking kazz back some feet as I appear in My bankai state* I shall show you no mercy what so ever

(Visual Aid)
Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Anima__Arkaid_the_Arbiter_by_Wen_M
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Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death)   Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1May 24th 2009, 6:06 pm

*Panting, Rose looks up at Akarui, who was now in bankai form. She stood up slowly, and dual blades of void fire came out of her wrists. "*huff* No matter what I hit him with, he won't stay down...Akarui, I have an idea, but I'll need to get close to him to do it." She focuses a mssive ball of fire in her hand, condensing it to a state of pure energy. She fired it at the now off balance Kameel.*

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Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 2659875081_c209df00ba
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

Posts : 2063
Age : 32
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-04-28
Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death)   Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1May 24th 2009, 6:10 pm

Got it I'll distract him then. *along with the fire shot by rose he fires both his whit and dark lightning to make a grey like lightning that cotaed the balst increaseing his speed still heading towards him*
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Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death)   Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1May 24th 2009, 6:34 pm

*Kameel opened his mouth and slowed the blast with his swords. The beam was then sucked into his mouth, leaving not a trace. Onyx Eater emerged from his back now, and fired the same beam Kameel just sucked in back at Rose and Akarui, mixing it with Dark Matter, making it extremely dense and stronger 10 fold.*

{Visual Aid.}
Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 18-1910

Come on you two, your deaths re inevitable, why try?

*Kameel then began building up dark matter on his body in dozens of layers.*
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

Posts : 2063
Age : 32
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-04-28
Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death)   Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1May 24th 2009, 6:52 pm

Rose. I'm about to do something. Dont tell nobody what you see here. * Step infront of Rose and take the blast completly as after the blast hits my vizard mask is now active and I disabled my bankai* Kazz your in for something. Ban-Kai! *his body is now engulfed engulf in chaos energy as his hair is now longer his mask has fully changed the blast has dicarded most of his clothes as he holds a black katana in his hand as he looks at kazz* You sir are in for it. *he holds a black orb in hands while he spoke*

(Visual Aid)
Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 02

Last edited by Akarui Yami on May 24th 2009, 7:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death)   Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1May 24th 2009, 7:06 pm

*Rose was a bit stunned at the power she felt from Akarui. His power jumped drastically, she could tell he was putting everything into this battle. She had no time to sit around, she had to finish her plan. She reverted back into her original self, and blades of void fire would surround her body. She dashed at an angle into the sky, Her body turning darker as she flew higher up.*
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Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death)   Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1May 24th 2009, 7:17 pm

*Even for Kameel, he was surprised by this sdden change. He knew he had to do it now, and didn't spend another second thinking about it. Onyx Eater bolted back to Kameel and converged onto his body. Armore of Black Matter covered Kameel's body and Manevolent transformed into several demonic claymore made of both Dark Matter and Black matter. He held one of the swords in front of him, and as the Cero touched it, using its own force against it, it was ripped in half by the stationary sword.*

{Visual Aid}
Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Anima_10

Now, I shall kill you both, then maybe I'll wip out that Chaos village of yours, hmm Akarui?

*Each Of the blades began screaming, sending bloodcurling shockwaves across the field. Millions of tentacles forged of both dark and black matter shot upward, attempting to skewer Akarui and hopefully extending high enough to get Rose too.*
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Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death)   Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1May 24th 2009, 7:31 pm

*Once she reached her desired peak, she stopped. Her body was now glowing with massive amounts of dark matter and plasma. As the tentacles approachd her, she would explode with the energies around her, vaporizing the blades as they came near her. The smoke cleared and Rose could be seen holding a massive Rapier in her hand, and white knee high boots. Her entire appearance changed, and so did her power. She looked down towards Kameel, and the massive rapier began charging with grey fire. "Kameel, your pitiful, you really are pitiful. Your assumptions are far off. You underestimate everyone around you, but theres no need to lecture thoughs who are about to die..."

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Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 390px-10

*She held her Rapier up, which was Scorn by the way, and it began to charge with the grey fire. She quickly brought it down, sending a tidal wave of fire down at Kameel.*
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Akarui Yami

Akarui Yami

Posts : 2063
Age : 32
Village of Residence : Kingdom of Chaos
Join date : 2009-04-28
Cool Points (LOL) : -1
Kekkei Genkai : Hikari Yami Dark Matter & Azure Matter

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Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death)   Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1May 24th 2009, 7:45 pm

*he black orb now covered his horns and and it formed right inbetween the two horns* She's right. This is where you shall die. *He fires the orb out that is actually his gran rey cero blast that demolish the tentacles as it continued its path towards kazz*
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Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death)   Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1May 24th 2009, 7:58 pm

Fine, then I won't talk to thoughs I'm about to kill!
*A coating of black matter covered Kameel, and as the Grand ray Cero and Tidal wave of grey fire headed his way. He would hold his hand up. Both the attacks hit him head on, and due to the massive force of the ground ray cero, the black matter that covered the ground was destroyed and the tidal wave of fire would fill the crater around him. Kameel could be seen in his same stance, some of his armor was chipped and brokened off, but was ultimately unscathed.*

Don't you get it? I am a being of Dark Matter, you can't kill me! I'm Immortal!

*From his already extended hand, he fired a massive orange ray of pure energy, similar in power to that of the big bang that started life. It ripped through the atmosphere, vaporizing even the air molecules as it traveled towards both Rose and Akarui. It covered a 5 mile radius.*

{Visual Aid}
Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Explosion
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PostSubject: Re: Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death)   Gaining some forces.(Kazz's Death) - Page 2 Icon_minitime1

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