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Soushi Imano

Soushi Imano

Posts : 126
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Kekkei Genkai : Corrupted Barbed Wire :: Corrupted Poison

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PostSubject: Anyone wanna train?   Anyone wanna train? Icon_minitime1December 18th 2010, 12:09 pm

Soushi stood in a rather large field, trees to the right, a small lake to the left and nothing but space and the air of opportunity. Soushi wanted to train, basically to just see how he would fair again some of the other people in the Chaos. He wasn`t scared of doing missions or anything like that, just scared of dying and who could honestly say that they weren`t scared of that?

Shivering a little at the thought of death, he waited and wondered who his opponent would be and what type of power they held inside them.
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone wanna train?   Anyone wanna train? Icon_minitime1December 18th 2010, 12:36 pm

"... Ghh.... There's nothing to do now that master Cleff is becoming less and less fun..."

A small, gear-shaped being floated along the Chaos, looking for something to do, it would seem. It was a lonely Digimon... A Hagurumon, in fact. Its gears were turning slowly... slowly... out of sheer boredom. His alleged master, Cleff, hadn't been using his Digimon lately... Not since the corrupted days. Now the lonely Hagurumon looked for someone to play with, since he was neglected at home...

Anyone wanna train? Hagurumon

After a while, he came across someone... A random guy in the middle of a field. That's always so common around Vescrutia, but no one ever wishes to fight a Digimon. But it didn't matter, Datum the Hagurumon was bored.

"... Hi there!"
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Soushi Imano

Soushi Imano

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Kekkei Genkai : Corrupted Barbed Wire :: Corrupted Poison

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone wanna train?   Anyone wanna train? Icon_minitime1December 18th 2010, 12:49 pm

Sou had started to rock side to side, awaiting someone to come and test his abilities, it seemed as if no one would come and so he was ready to leave ... that was until he heard a voice call to him, which snapped his eyes open to look upon the gear-shaped being that was speaking. This sent Soushi to the state of freaking out with excitement.

" WHOA!!!! You`re like so cool, are you a ninja too? Is that some sort of special suit or something? YOU ARE AWESOME!!! "

Soushi pushed past the boundaries of touch and ran to the gear, starting to poke it, the cold metal making him shivered, more from being cold than excitement though.

" Far out. "
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone wanna train?   Anyone wanna train? Icon_minitime1December 18th 2010, 12:58 pm

Datum listened to his rambling and dealt with his touching for a few second, then slapped him with his gear-hand.

"Shut up."

Sighing heavily and shaking his head... which was also his body... Datum started again.

"... Sorry for that, but I am clearly not a ninja. I belong to one of the residents of the Chaos Village.. One of the Anbu, Cleff. He is not human, either. I am what you would call a Digimon... We are the signature weapon of the Chaos Village, you see... Other than that crappy Zamka... Zanpa... Sword crap."

Datum started to whir and swirl, his gears turning left and right in a rhythmic fashion.

"... So. I am assuming that you are new...?"
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Soushi Imano

Soushi Imano

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Kekkei Genkai : Corrupted Barbed Wire :: Corrupted Poison

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone wanna train?   Anyone wanna train? Icon_minitime1December 18th 2010, 1:06 pm

Well that was unexpected, but actually welcomed. Soushi stood after being tossed to the ground by the slap and nodded as the gear explained what it was. Digimon were a new concept to Soushi, and so were Zamkazanpa, he wasn`t even sure if that was a real thing. Shrugging, he nodded.

" Yes, I`m as new as they come. The name is Soushi Imano. It`s a pleasure to meet you Digimon of Cleff the Anbu. "

Cleff? That name sounded awfully familiar, but rather than dwell on it, Soushi wanted to know a little more about these Digimon and how he could get one of his own. He would ask, but it seemed like the gear wasn`t done explaining about itself, so he figured that waiting could be the best approach to this situation.
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone wanna train?   Anyone wanna train? Icon_minitime1December 18th 2010, 1:36 pm

Datum nodded slowly, a tiny little sweatdrop somehow appearing on its head, even though it doesn't have the capacity to do such things, since it is a machine.

"... Don't... Call me all of that. Cleff has named me Datum and I am a Hagurumon. You can tell a Digimon because our species name ends with -mon... Just like me... Hagurumon. It is nice to meet you, Soushi.."

Datum realized that he hadn't ever really talked this much to anyone outside of Cleff. Hm. That's a pretty swell thing to note.

"Anyway, what are you doing here, Soushi?"
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Soushi Imano

Soushi Imano

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Kekkei Genkai : Corrupted Barbed Wire :: Corrupted Poison

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone wanna train?   Anyone wanna train? Icon_minitime1December 18th 2010, 1:41 pm

Datum? Maybe a link to data? Soushi nodded and smiled, noting the sweatdrop but assuming that it was possible since the gear was talking to him. Seemed like a lot of illogical things happened in Ves.

" Well Datum, I was looking for a little training ... but you`ve gotten me so intrigued in digimon, that I wanna learn more about them. So how about after I find a partner to train with, you tell me more about your kind? "

This was a good plan to Soushi, though if the digimon wanted to fight, he`d have to change the way he battled a little more, so that it wouldn`t revolve around his poison, assuming that the poison would have no effect on a machine.
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone wanna train?   Anyone wanna train? Icon_minitime1December 18th 2010, 1:47 pm

Datum was silent for a moment... Then slapped Soushi again.

"I can fight, you know. I just wouldn't be able to Digivolve... Though if you're new, I doubt that I would need to."

He whirled over to a position a bit further from Soushi than he already was, still turning from side to size rhythmically.

"... When we are finished, I can surely tell you more about Digimon and the Digital World. But right now, it is time for battle. Let me see what you can do!"

It had been a long time since Datum had fought, anyway... A REALLY long time... Especially in Rookie form. He fought in Rookie form back when Cleff was only a Genin and when he was so happy and spry... When he had all of his emotions... like a child... But now because of Nirvana, Cleff was less a man and more a machine than ever before. Sadly, Datum did not like this at all.
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Soushi Imano

Soushi Imano

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Hobbies / Interests : Making Poisons
Kekkei Genkai : Corrupted Barbed Wire :: Corrupted Poison

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone wanna train?   Anyone wanna train? Icon_minitime1December 18th 2010, 1:58 pm

Ok that was definitely unexpected, good thing it wasn`t as powerful a slap as last time. Soushi stroked his cheek and looked at Datum as it explained that it could fight, just not divolve, whatever the hell that meant. Soushi nodded and got in a ready stance as well.

" Alright, then lets do this. "

Soushi closed his eyes for a quick second before opening them as barbed wire sprouted from his wrist and wrapped around his hand, creating a thick, drill like shape that started to spin like one as well. Soushi then rushed the digimon in an attempt to drill through it, right through the middle.
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone wanna train?   Anyone wanna train? Icon_minitime1December 18th 2010, 2:24 pm

Datum, having been trained by Cleff, was taught to combat things with more than just brute strength alone... And because he was in Rookie form, brute strength wasn't exactly his strong point. Then again, this guy was made of flesh and bone while Datum was metal and wire. I think Datum wins in the strength comparison.

Whatever, it was time to battle. Datum started to turn his gears in full revolutions now, creating a sort of black gear in front of him as he did so. It was larger than his entire body, it would seem.

"Darkness Gear!"

The large, spinning black gear shot at Soushi's hand, spinning in an opposite way that his drill was. He aimed to get the barbed wire drill stuck in the middle so that both would come to a stop and leave Soushi opened. If this did happen, he had an immediate followup attack, his Boost Tackle. He accelerated headfirst at Soushi's stomach, trying to knock him for a loop.
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Slade Hyuga

Slade Hyuga

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone wanna train?   Anyone wanna train? Icon_minitime1December 18th 2010, 2:55 pm

*while walking through the forrest slade stumbled across Soushi and Datum. not to familiar with digimon he also assumed that Datum was another shinobi, since most tend to change size and shape every now and then. as slade approached the two they began to attack.*

guess i'm to late to join in.

*he said scratching the back of his head. his afro swaying in the winter winds*
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Soushi Imano

Soushi Imano

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Kekkei Genkai : Corrupted Barbed Wire :: Corrupted Poison

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone wanna train?   Anyone wanna train? Icon_minitime1December 18th 2010, 3:02 pm

Soushi, focused on getting the drill through, hadn`t notice that Datum was rushing as his darkness gear was stopping Soushi`s drill from spinning, once the drill stopped, the wire came undone from the drill shape and sunk back into his wrist as he was tackled by Datum.

Being sent a good distance away, Soushi tried his best to land on his feet, but ended on his back.

" Well, I guess Digimon are stronger than I originally thought. "

Major setback to the strategy he had cooked up and it was time to switch it on the fly and well, wing this fight. The barbed Drill did nothing so it was time to not rely on Kekkai genkai and use some ninjutsu.

Soushi stood and started up a vortex of wind, before he shaped it into the size of an average ball and gripped it before throwing it at Datum.

" Falling Petal Dance! "
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone wanna train?   Anyone wanna train? Icon_minitime1December 18th 2010, 3:14 pm

Datum immediately turned to Slade as he came into the area talking and such, causing him to be slapped with the ball of wind, flung off into a nearby tree. His gears clicked and whirred, as Datum was stunned for the moment, but quickly recovered and faced Slade.

".. What, another Chaos Ninja wants to fight, too? Baaah... I guess this means that I should have Cleff bring in Havoc..."

A few moments of whirring and some sort of... AOL connection noises, another digimon digitized itself next to Cleff. A Keramon, clearly by the name of Havoc.

Anyone wanna train? Keramon

Havoc did not speak, only giggled and bobbed his head around slightly maniacally.

Datum: Alright, other Chaos Ninja. If you want to fight, go ahead and take on Havoc. Hm. I hope no more people come, or else we'll be dealing with the Champion levels...

Datum turned his attention back to Soushi, whom he completely forgot about during that short distracting period of time. He swirled his gears once more, this time firing off many tiny Darkness Gears at Soushi like shuriken, much faster than the original large one.

On the flipside, Slade was now forced to fight with Havoc, the Keramon. Havoc didn't do anything, only bobbed his head and giggled maniacally, still...
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Slade Hyuga

Slade Hyuga

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone wanna train?   Anyone wanna train? Icon_minitime1December 18th 2010, 3:31 pm

champion level?

*slade said as he finally realised what was instore for him. he watched the keramon's movements then he began to wonder*

Hagurumon. what level is flamedramon?

*he asks as his eyes became pale and veins stared to buldge oh the sides of his temples*
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Soushi Imano

Soushi Imano

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Kekkei Genkai : Corrupted Barbed Wire :: Corrupted Poison

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone wanna train?   Anyone wanna train? Icon_minitime1December 18th 2010, 3:32 pm

Soushi looked and noticed the other ninja as well and smiled for a moment, before looking as his ball of wind connected the Datum and send the digimon off on a whirlwind adventure, so to speak, until it stopped and regained it`s fighting stance ( I guess ) and sent darkness gears at Soushi like shuriken.

Soushi sent his chakra into the ground, changing the ground into fine sand and sinking into it to avoid the gears, but he stopped short of entirely disappearing underground and the gears flew over his head and missed by a hair.

" Well this is bad ... I`m stuck. "

Oh crap. Rather than panic, Soushi compressed another vortex of wind into ball form and tossed it at the digimon, hoping to connect again.
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone wanna train?   Anyone wanna train? Icon_minitime1December 18th 2010, 3:56 pm

Datum turned around to Slade again, since he asked a question, becoming completely distracted from his battle.

"... Flamedramon? It's an Armor Digimon, but most Armor Digimon are considered Champion levels... He is one of them. Why do you ask? Have you fought him? Do you need to fight a Champion Level?"

Just then, because of his distraction AGAIN, he was hit with the wind AGAIN and sent flying into the same tree AGAIN as before... um... AGAIN. Datum was not particularly happy about this. Stunned, he quickly regain composure, growing a little impatient with Slade for distracting him when Soushi threw one of those air balls... But didn't think too much of it.

Well, seeing as now Soushi was stuck.. It was a clear shot at an attack. He started to chant something in binary, releasing a malicious line of code at Soushi, who was stuck in the ground. The line of code would normally infect and hack other machinery, computers or electronics, but to those that weren't that, it was just incredibly sharp... Enough to cut through skin and bone, in fact. The line of code was aimed directly at Soushi, so he had to act fast to get outta this one.

On Havoc's end, no one had done anything yet, but Havoc did notice that Slade's eyes got really... veiny for some reason. Havoc only laughed insanely, widening his eyes in an attempt to mimic and/or mock Slade. He used his signature attack, the Crazy Giggle, shooting out numerous large balls of bright, explosive data from his mouth. He started to float slightly in the air, still laughing.
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Slade Hyuga

Slade Hyuga

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone wanna train?   Anyone wanna train? Icon_minitime1December 18th 2010, 4:18 pm

*having a full view of the battle field, slade threw a few to counter the data bombs launched at him buy the hysterical digimon*

well arent you a happy little guy.

*slade said as he synced his chakra with the ground hoping to cause the solid ground below his apparent partner to raise him out of the line of the bionary attack. now turning back to datum.*

i have gone aginst zeik's flamedramon. he was my ranking exam. he was a very unsocial digimon.

*slaid said as he drew his nth metal sword. readying himself for any oncomming attacks*
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Soushi Imano

Soushi Imano

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Kekkei Genkai : Corrupted Barbed Wire :: Corrupted Poison

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone wanna train?   Anyone wanna train? Icon_minitime1December 19th 2010, 8:52 am

Soushi was already in a defensive stance, his arms crossed in front of his face. This defense wouldn`t do much, but then the ground underneath him started to rise and like that, he was out of the way of the attack. Soushi breathed deeply before nodding his head.

" Right. Time to take a little more action then. "

Soushi, once again, compressed a vortex of wind into ball form and threw it at Datum, and to follow up, he threw two more after it. To cloak the fact that his barbed drill was sprouting from his wrist again.
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone wanna train?   Anyone wanna train? Icon_minitime1December 19th 2010, 9:07 am

"Oh, no, you're not gonna get me again!"

Datum had learned not to turn his back when these wind balls were thrown, so he would get rid of them first THEN answer Slade. Datum's 2 gears on the side of his face would pop off, then grow to great proportions... His Gear Rollers attack. The giant gears easily took the wind balls, shielding Datum before turning profusely. They fell onto the ground and started to roll over what they could like steam rollers, threatening to roll over Soushi and crush him in the same way. Once he knew that Soushi would be occupied with those, he turned, said calmly and collectedly to Slade, "Well, if you fought with a Champion Level, you don't need to fight Havoc."

Instantly, Havoc was digitized and in his place a Tankmon would be there. It was easily the size of a real tank with a beast's torso popping out of the top.

Anyone wanna train? Tankmon

Datum: This is Destroya, a Tankmon. He is of Champion level and should be of a greater challenge to you than Havoc would be in his rookie mode...

Destroya's eyes seemed malicious, focused on Slade. It aimed its gigantic missile launchers and guns at Slade, seeming as though it were ready to attack at any moment.

Destroya: Locking on target...
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Soushi Imano

Soushi Imano

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone wanna train?   Anyone wanna train? Icon_minitime1December 19th 2010, 10:21 am

Well that was part of Soushi`s plan, the air balls getting blocked. He detached the drill and sent it on a one way drilling course to Datum as the steamrolling gears came his way. Soushi panicked for a quick second before he encased himself in a shell of the thick barbed wire, spikes pertruding out of it as the gears hit the shell and started to push him back.

Soushi figured that he`d just hold the shell intact until the gears stopped rolling.
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Slade Hyuga

Slade Hyuga

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone wanna train?   Anyone wanna train? Icon_minitime1December 19th 2010, 1:56 pm

seems like fun.

*slade turns towards the tankmon while forming three chakra needles*

hey shell head, do you keep one in the chamber?

*slade would say as he threwa chakra needle at each barrel opening. then charges at him after the needles, while keeping his byakugon focused on the entire battle field*

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone wanna train?   Anyone wanna train? Icon_minitime1December 19th 2010, 2:48 pm

Datum could see now that Slade was happy to fight with Destroya.. But his name wasn't that for nothing. Even Datum had to be on guard when around Destroya, cuz he liked to destroy stuff. Obviously.

Well, back to Soushi, who was having trouble with the gears to an extent... The shell of barbed wired was pretty sturdy if the rollers couldn't just roll right over it. But, being made of metal was the flaw of the shield. Datum started to spin around once more, this time generating electricity on his face. He stop spinning abruptly, releasing his Energy Bolt, a bolt of electricity at the barbed wire shell. If the barbed wire conducted electricity, then the electricity would surge through the entirety of the wires and shock Soushi at the same time. Datum's Gear Rollers reverted back to normal size and reconnected with his body... He felt complete again~.

Now, on with Destroya. With Slade initiating an attack, it was easy for Destroya, being a machine digimon, to analyze such an attack. With its Machine Gun Assault attack, it easily blasted through the chakra needles and fired completely at Slade with an endless amount of ammo (no seriously, he has infinite ammo). He kept his eyes locked on Slade, just in case he had to fire the main cannon... But firing that would most likely cause more damage than necessary. Then again, Destroya did like to destroy things... Destruction is fun!
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Slade Hyuga

Slade Hyuga

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone wanna train?   Anyone wanna train? Icon_minitime1December 19th 2010, 3:32 pm

*slade would jump in the air and since he had his nth metal weapons in hand he was able to defy gravity. as he was in mid air he started his 8 trigrams rotations fully surrounding himself in his protective barrior*
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Soushi Imano

Soushi Imano

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Kekkei Genkai : Corrupted Barbed Wire :: Corrupted Poison

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone wanna train?   Anyone wanna train? Icon_minitime1December 19th 2010, 9:01 pm

The shell held firm, until the gears came to a stop. Soushi was glad about that ... at least for a little while until he was shocked endlessly by a bolt of electricity. The smartest thing he could think of doing was let the shell down, so he did, but the shock had taken enough of an effect on him.

" Crap ... that actually hurt a little. "

Soushi tried to analyze a little something about his opponent before he went in for another attack, so while doing that, he made another drill on his right hand and waited to see what Datum would do, instead of rushing in and getting his ass handed to him again.
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone wanna train?   Anyone wanna train? Icon_minitime1December 19th 2010, 11:55 pm

Datum didn't feel like Soushi was going anything threatening... But he did wrap his hand in the barbed wire again. Meant he was thinking about attacking. Well, time to fix that right up. Datum spun, collecting electricity and firing off a bolt of electricity at Soushi again with his Energy Bolt attack. Maybe it would be fun to see him get shocked again... Heh heh.

On Slade's side, Destroya was trying to level the area. As Slade flew into the air, Destroya quickly pointed his arms at Slade again, stopping him Machine Gun Assault and starting with the Sub Vulcan attack. He fires off many rounds of missiles nonstop that locked onto Slade... Again, with missiles that would just keep coming... many barrages of missiles. Hopefully he'd be overwhelmed by said missiles and... would... I dunno, be blown out of the sky or something of the sort? Perhaps... Perhaps.
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Anyone wanna train?
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